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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. prayers of peace and comfort for your daddy and your family. My uncle wouldn't pass until everyone went out of the room. He didn't want anyone to see him pass. Same thing with my grandfather, who died in his sleep---both had lung cancer. Know you are in my prayers--even though I don't know you. I know how hard it is.

  2. sargeants gold spray. You can stay in the house and it works. The dish detergent has worked for others, but didn't for me, though I didn't use the night light. I had them pretty bad. You can find the spray at walmart, and you don't have to vacuum, so no moving furniture, vacuuming furniture, etc, just spray it on. It kills the egg and larvae too. They have it in powder if you would rather have that. You can get ditanaceous (sp) earth and sprinkle it outside. It kills the fleas outside, cuts their shells, but won't harm you or the other animals. Hope this helps.

  3. thank you thank you thank you...BUT I had to work today. I won't to know how these people can say southerners can't drive, most people here aren't from here. How can you tell by looking at someone. I drove just fine today. Almost got hit 3 times coming home yesterday though. Bet 3 out of those 4 were transplants...

  4. I have to put my two cents in. Have to. Glad you've changed your mind about the tipping now that you know. I moved here from Rome, GA, that is, and people there don't tip as much or at all for services like hair (massage, I know that) because they DON'T KNOW. It has nothing to do with ignorance or being stupid, it comes from being somewhere where it's just not that big a deal. I make much more money where I am now than I did there. I didn't tip for my first massage or when I was getting my hair done until I started getting tips for giving massages. I might have got one from every 5 people there. I don't know why everybody is jumping on HLS for something he didn't know. I know names have been called, and then, it was something he wasn't aware of. Why not say, this is the minimum wage, this is why we tip and not call names for someone coming from a different culture? I would try to learn things before I moved there, but doesn't mean I would learn everything the first year I was there. ::vent over::

  5. for medium size bowl, about 1/2 cup sugar, teaspoon vanilla flavoring, 1 egg, and enough milk to make it creamy. I made some saturday and had to call mommy. :wub: It sure was yummy. Put a big clean bowl or bucket on the porch and then you don't have to scrape the car, yucky stuff, it's already there for you....

  6. /hijack ....

    did you know that you can download the application? Then all you have to do is to go to Eckards or CVS and have a picture taken (about $8) and mail it all in with your birth certificate? I'm not sure how long they take to turn around the passports now, but the rest is easy. We just renewed our last year and they are good for 10 years! Get one now and save it - that way you will be able to travel as you want to!


    and early congrats on your new grandbaby! :)




    No idea on travel plans this year besides a short trip "back home" to visit relatives ..... then I'm going to a BEACH! :)



    I was about to post the same thing. I downloaded mine and renewed it last year. It was about 70 to renew it and took all 10 weeks they said it could. I am going on a cruise in May. Me and my best friend are going and leaving all worries behind. Our birthdays are 5 days apart. So we are celebrating our 30's on a boat.

  7. there is a little tea house on broad, or was, but I don't know if it was any good or still there ever. Just the girls will have a blast at Schroeders though. What you heading to rome for by the way, if you don't mind me asking.

  8. heat on the neck, ice on the forehead. Causes the blood vessels to dilate and constrict at opposite times, and gets the nerve endings confused. You can also put pressure on your hand just to the inside of your thumb/forefinger (at the base of the thumb) see if that helps. Hope you both feel better.

  9. I grew up in Summerville which is a few miles north of Rome. When we visit family and friends in that area, they always want to go to the Country Gentleman (Chateau Drive in Rome off Highway 411). We really like the food and atmosphere and the fact that it is not a chain restaurant (I'm not really too fond of chains).


    Another good choice and a restaurant that has been in the Rome area forever is Paul's Oyster Bar in the Coosa area of Rome - great seafood! Rome is a neat town - have fun!



    like country gentleman,.....hated paul's YUCK! :p Glad you like it though...lol. We didn't like that or diprima's.

  10. shroeders deli on broad st. One of the best. There's a new steakhouse on turner mccall (the main road) that's pretty good, just past olive garden. I can't think of the name of it, geez, it has escaped me. But Shroeder's is very good. Jefferson's on broad is good too, if you want wings or something similiar. Mexican is las palmas (better than the one in hiram, IMHO). I grew up in rome, btw, parents are still there, so I'm pretty good around the town.

  11. Hey Moosie- I put some arse on ignore and someone with the initials of LGM thought it was YOU! :ninja: I corrected her though. She adores you like I do. Don't worry, I will be taking as many skyline and "Motion" pics as my camera will hold.





    any kind that says Seattle?


    I'll check in at my brothers house. Be back Sunday. VERY SHORT TRIP!



    that will be awesome. any kind. I'm not picky!

  12. What causes it if you dont play tennis? Is it normally in your dominant arm or not? Does the bone hurt in tennis elbow or just the muscles and tendons?

    sorry, just saw this...cleaning house too. It's not just for tennis. That's just the term they started out with. kinda like getting a cold - but you are usually hot with a temp. It's repetitive motion syndrom, strain on the tendons from using them and/or stretching them over their limit. Common with peole who have to have the same movements in their everyday life, hairdressers, computer users, jobs like that. The pain can be caused from inflammation or over strectching. That's why it's best if you put ice on it (calm the inflammation, and take an anti-inflammatory and not just a pain reliever. Pain reliever only covers the symptoms, while the ice/anti-inflammatory are actually going to get rid of the problem. Treat the problem, don't cover the symptom.



    Tiger Balm for Tiger Mama

    Q-tee ask a good question. I don't play tennis and I am right handed!



    :D :D yep.



  13. I used to work at the McDonalds on 61 and one time there was a BIG fight between 2 schools and when the cops came they had to spray pepper spray and it got on EVERYONE; the employees, customers, and all the people in the Chevron part. It was very bad, and you couldnt breath what-so-ever.


    So I like Jess's idea (the hairspray) :)



    Hi-JackI was digging through my purse a couple of weeks ago to find my contact case and I guess Bio-freeze spilled in my purse and I didnt realize it and I went to take my contacts out and got Bio-Freeze all In my eyes (It was one of the worst pians ever). End Hi-jack

    ouch, but I love this stuff!


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