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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. omg. so you're having a bad day. Make sure to add antifreeze in with the water for the radiator or you may end up with a MUCH bigger and more expensive problem (you may have known this already, just making sure.) Hope your day gets better.

  2. first, you look ABSOLUTELY fantastic. Congrats! Second, I'll be looking today to see what I can find for you. I think I have given away most of the 12's I had already, but I will check for you. Third, we have a weight loss forum through p.com if you want to join us for those last few pounds. We would love to have you! Lisa


    pm me with your name and number so I can call you when I get the clothes for you.

  3. And where do I procure this magic substance? :)!



    we carry it where I work. PM me if you don't know where I am already. You can buy it through massagewarehouse.com, but it sounds like you need it asap.


    we carry it where I work. PM me if you don't know where I am already. You can buy it through massagewarehouse.com, but it sounds like you need it asap.


    edited to say, we carry it there in the oil and in the patch form.


    How long has it been, just since monday? I would still be putting ice on it. Use ice for 20 minutes or until all stages of cold therapy are reached. ABAN- appreciation - feeling the cold, burning, aching and numbness. massage the area in a circular motion. start soaking tomorrow with sea/epsom salt mixture. Ice immersion works better than just throwing an ice pack on it.


  4. I hope she is ok. Brings back bad memories. It was exactly a year ago today that I flipped my car on 278 at old harris. wasn't speeding, on cell phone or anything else. Pulled out and didn't see the other car. Sometimes accidents happen, that's why they are called accidents.


    someone on here was even nice enough to stop and take a pic. :rolleyes:


    tha's actually how I found p.com, I was trying to find out info about the other driver, and found a pic of my car upside down in the middle of 278. At least they waited until I was out of the car.


    pic of my car as posted on p.com:


  5. I know it's late, but, I use a pan, line it with foil, the put a layer of thin slice of potatoes, then a thin layer of onion, sprinkle with salt and pepper and put a couple pats of butter, do the You can put cheese on it when done. One of my favorite dishes!

  6. I have the common fear of spiders. No matter how big or small.


    My daughter is the weird one. She has a fear of someone touching her shins and belly button. I was shocked when she turned 18 and got her belly button pierced. She said that the guy almost gave up piercing it because she kept freaking out on him.


    ugh, I agree with her on that. I can't stand anyone to touch my bellybutton. doesn't bother me rubbing over it, but you stick your finger anywhere near it, you're getting slapped. why would anybody want to anyway? I ever tell a guy I date that, and they always try it thinking it's funny. Not a phobia, just don't like it. Yuck.

  7. Not saying that it doesn't work.


    "'Strep Throat,' as it is commonly known, will respond within 24-48 hours to treatment with penicillin. Without the treatment, strep will surrender to antibiotics produced in the bloodstream and usually disappear in less than a week; antibiotics merely hasten the process a bit." Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.


    Just weigh the options. Does the risk of taking antibiotics outweigh the benefits of not having taken them.

    it does when you're allergic to penicillin like I am. That's why I like the more natural, and she could take it during the weekend when the dr. was closed.

  8. It's taken internally, after a while the stuff builds up in your system and fat, that's what gives you that bluish color. I've researched it before, interesting stuff. It is absorbed by the body the same way lead is, but so far long range studies have shown no ill effects. It's basically taken like an anti-bacterial, but it doesn't work on everything and it's absolutly useless against viruses.



    That's wrong, after you stop using it, it eventually works out of your system and you return to normal...


    right, it's a natural antibiotic..why would you take it everyday anyway. You can take it for anything dr. would give you an antibiotic for...strep, sinus infection, UTI, etc.


  9. Thanks for the tip! Monday cant get here fast enough...


    why wait. the sooner you take it, the sooner it will clear up. the longer in your system, the longer it affects the rest of your body. I think gnc is open on sunday.


  10. I have used it for about 10 years. Mainly use it with a sore throat, or strep. It's a natural antibiotic. You can get it pretty much any vitamin shop, gnc, harry's food markets, that sort of thing. I have used it with both of my nephews. the blue man was "mixing" his own from what I understand. I have had no effects. I only take it when sick, he took a large cup every day. It's only recommended a teaspoon a day. Each to their own, but you never know what else he had that reacted. You can't believe everything you see either. Being serious, I really don't think the pharmaceutical companies want you to be using natural products....wonder who put that story out there and what they edited out.

  11. sounds like strep. go to the vitamin store or gnc, get some liquid or colloidal silver. you only need to take 2 teaspoons for about 3-4 days. I swear by this stuff, get a sore throat I take it. It doesn't really have a taste. I hate liquid meds, but I can take this straight, or mix it in a small cup of orange juice. Hope you feel better.

  12. I go up there all the time. I'm surprised they let that get out of hand. really I am. I don't go on Friday. They just changed it to 18 + about a month ago. Thursday and Saturday are still 21 and over, sunday all ages. I've never seen anyone get completely naked or topless but I have seen some yucky stuff. Although they pay their bouncers jack crap, they are a good group of guys and work hand (most of em) controlling the atmosphere. Don't let your first bad experience ruin it for you quintain. Go on a different night. And I can see an 18-20 year old drinking, all they have to do is get someone of age to buy it for them. Little stamps on your hand erase way too easily. (I'm assuming that's what they do anyway, that or bracelets you can cut)

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