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Everything posted by allen13nicole

  1. Set a recorder on the porch and try to capture the sounds? Just an idea. Sorry your dealing with this but this type of stuff interests me.
  2. There it is, I was wondering what had happened! Good morning to you and pcom!
  3. It's a new fashion trend! All the truckers are doing it!!
  4. Well good mernin back atcha!!
  5. Just like a dispatcher to use a driver!! Pffft
  6. Good m Good morning!! Was bad but seems to have stopped for a bit! Hope ya all have a good day and be safe!!
  7. Logan aluminum! It's the only reason I went. Your right there's nothing around cept farms. One guy did put a truck stop in off the bypass.
  8. Ive been there! Way to many times. Logan county right?
  9. That's outstanding to hear!
  10. I think he just put regular on there. But still tasted better than a regular cig. He had a couple flavors but I just stuck with the regular one. First time trying and all. Differnt places have them for different prices. The site I was looking at I think was around 80.00 which isn't bad, had a full warranty on all the products and I think like a couple weeks worth of stuff. Could be wrong but it still a lil cheaper than smoking. Just gotta come up with more up front.
  11. Yeah me either! Who knew weed did that to ya!
  12. E-cigs rock! Tried one before, it rocks! All kind of flavors to mix and try. Thanks I forgot about them. Gotta try and get some!
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