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Posts posted by LPPT

  1. I have quite a few questions myself.

    We can start with Mr. Pownell.

    First and foremost we assume that the secrecy was absolutely necessary.

    I might have had my doubts until I saw the way Delta and the mayor of Atlanta reacted. They would have moved against it early in the process and had it killed before the contracts could be written.


    It seems Delta does not tolerate competition.


    Would Mr. Pownell kept it secret like the rest and risk the anger of his constituents?

    Would he have told his constituents and killed the deal?


    I ask myself why would the commissioners have kept it secret? For those not in the loop we have elections for post commissioners next year.


    The dividing line will be who supports the chairman and who does not.


    They know what is up, so they knew this would be unpopular.

    It looks as though Mr.Pownell dodged a bullet here. He came out smelling like a rose to his constituents.


    So why take the risk. I am open to any suggestions of personal gain to the remaining commissioners because I can't find any.


    The motivation of the IBA is always transparent, they all for the most part are businessmen and every business benefits with economic growth.


    I did some research, we all know about furloughs and expenses within the county.


    How do you measure the true economic status of the community.

    First I looked at unemployment, we are at 8%.

    About average.

    I didn't feel the foreclosure rate was as significant as it could be because people were walking away due to being upside down also.

    I could not find 2013 rates for those on assistance.

    I did however find a number that I felt was significant when looking at the economic position of our families, 80% of which drive out of the county to work.

    How well are they keeping up with the cost of living, I found the answer within our school system.

    47% of the children in our school system receive free or reduced lunch.

    While foodstamp numbers tell us about absolute poverty, this number tells us about the duress that working families are under here.


    We have no way of knowing how many families are making ends meet through churches and organizations like helping hands.


    The more I thought about this issue the more upset I became. I know families here are struggling. I know of a lot of businesses that have closed their doors with families that mortgaged their homes to try and make it.


    These people don't care about political games, they are trying to survive.

    We tried hobbyist,flight school, it is not paying the bills for anyone.


    No matter what is done someone will have issues for political reasons.


    Every county around us has industry and every single time we try to get it here a handful stop it.


    If it would have been announced that a Red Lobster was coming every news site in the area would have blown up with thrilled people and shares on facebook. With 47% of our kids in Paulding on free and reduced lunch a Red Lobster seems pretty damn shallow.


    Those small jets might sound like cha ching to some struggling families and businesses in this county.

    It is about the money at the end of the day. I hope that our commissioners will continue to commit political suicide for our families right up until they are booted out.


    I really don't care about the petty politics, I care about families.

  2. I live within a mile from where the airport is. I moved here long before the county pushed it down my throat. I moved from Hiram( where my family has DEEP Roots) because of the growth. So I quess I am the 11th person that does not want Commercial Flights. I have one question for Paulding County that never seems to get answered. What are you doing about the Meth Heads, Punk wanta be gangs, Corner money beggers, Furlough Employees, low moral in your County Jobs, low moral in your citizens, uneducated highschool drop outs?


    Your worried about punks, wait till 1/2 your subdivision goes rental because people walk off and leave the houses in the middle of the night.

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  3. Tell me how many jobs the movie place the county put in with out anyone knowing until it was done, has created. If people wanted jobs

    they should have stayed in Atlanta and not came here to make problems for the rest of us.


    You say it is a problem. This county's largest employer is still the local government. You had 1/2 the county worked for the government and the other 1/2 shlepping off to Atlanta to pay their salaries.

    You needed them to keep the bills paid because there were more county employees every year getting all the benefits that those busting their rears were not getting.

    It was the homeboys that jumped on the house building gravy train while your relatives gladly sold the land.



    I came here when it was small, it never really occurred to me it would grow like it did, but I have graciously taken it in stride.

    I don't mind the taxes, but what I do mind is being stuck in a house for 4 children and I have 1 going into retirement.

    Everyone without exception benefited from the housing boom here.

    Now the easy money is gone they want to get rid of the responsibility.


    The responsibility is paying for the schools, the roads, the government ect. You want people gone, raise the taxes, big time they will leave and those that stay will still be on the hook for every inch of this county and services.

    The rest of you voted in the folks that built the houses and you want to blame the people that moved here, really?

  4. No when we built our house in 1993, there wasn't a subdivision around for miles, let alone an airport. We moved here to get away from all the land gutting that was going on East of 61.


    This is nothing new. It's been going on since the put in the "4 Lane" to bring all those jobs 27 years ago. We've been lied to for years.


    Here's a better map.




    I have had a park, a school complex and a Dollar store right on top of me.

    The traffic has increased and it takes time to get out of my subdivision.

    I had no expectations of not seeing growth on 61 when I moved here. All hwys are subject to commercialization. Every year we did not get a gas station or store on the corner I was surprised.


    You know what irritates me, hoarders, people that don't take care of their houses and property to my standards.

    Do you think I have a chance of seeing my will done no, absolutely not.

    I don't like it I have to move and I know it.


    Then my county tanks because all the eggs were in the housing business.

    I don't like it, guess what I can move to where the powers that be are smarter than that.

    We won't even get into the value of my well kept home being less than some cars.

    I don't like it I can move and take the loss.

    I have been ripped off plenty by other peoples stupid decisions.

    I happen to like some of the decisions made lately and I can see some personal benefit. Guess what, people are trying to stop them and I might get screwed again. I often forget that some folks are special and they won't put up with what don't suit them.

  5. Tundra, You are correct. I live in one of the stated subdivisions. I am not liking this at all. :angry2: I do not know anyone who does like the idea of a bigger airport. It may bring our property values up, BUT who would want to buy?


    Did you know there was an airport that close when you bought your home?

    I live about 3 miles from the Cartersville airport. I hear planes all day when I pay attention. I have never been bothered or worried about it.

    North Paulding school complex is a little over a mile from the airport. Nobody has ever raised any concern about the airport.

  6. That's no excuse for keeping it secret from a post commissioner who was

    duly elected by the citizens and taxpayers to represent their interests.






    If it wasn't kept secret then the thing was dead in the water. The announcement would have been we are negotiating with a company that has indicated that secrecy is a priority but because we are scared of backlash from our constituents we are telling you and letting it fail.


    It is up to individuals to make up their own mind about the relationship between Todd and his fellow commissioners.

    For whatever reason they felt like Todd would not support this and tell his constituents about the deal and kill it.


    This county has people in other post, maybe those people don't want to pay taxes for lame duck airport forever.


    Ultimately Todd did vote for the bonds so he must approve of the project although he was left out of the loop. I do wonder if all the lamenting of the keeping it from Todd is simply the lost chance to keep this airport in the red and those involved punished for the airport that should have never been.

    Had Todd been let in and not told his constituents then he might be out of the pan and in the fire with the rest of the commission.


    Maybe at the end of the day they did Todd a favor when it comes to his reputation in his district. :drinks:

  7. I grew up in the shadows of the Greenville Spartanburg Jet Port and lived there till we moved here in 89. I agree with everything you say. Both the Jet Port and BMW have brought much prosperity to the area.


    We celebrated when Governor Carrol Campbell lead the charge to recruit BMW and their 80 suppliers. I now have friends who have grandchildren still reaping the benefits of the former governor's efforts.


    I think the difference between Greenville Spartanburg and Paulding County is the absence of openness and intererity shown recently. Our local government in my opinion is much like our Federal government... It's broken. I compare the recent local developments as much like ObamaCare... "Trust us, believe us when we tell you it's good for you".


    I'm watching the news this morning as Obama slams the Republicans for the government shutdown. I am sickened on the local level just like I am on the federal level. I have the same advice for our local leadership as I do for our president and congress leaders. Lock yourselves in a room with a neutral leader and stay locked in the room till you can come out and stand together united.



    The fact is we have an airport, folks that vote locally voted no, got it anyway. The county and the taxpayers are on the hook. It is a fact, if we let it go back to the feds nobody local with have any say so over what ends up there. It is a rock and a hard place.


    Lets get down to the real issue and that is the messes left behind by our progress and growth. We know who they are because they have turned to media after being railroaded so badly by the county they have no place to turn.


    I don't believe in taking or harming other peoples land. If we are going to be progressive then it needs to be part of the price tag.


    We can look back and see this is not always done, so there is a really big chunk of distrust.

    I agree with Feelup that this is one of the best and most balanced commissions the county has had. I don't always agree with them and the issue of the skeletons in the closet is one of them. I have no issue with Todd, we need someone that ask questions and watches, the rest of the commission may not appreciate it, but he is important in that.


    Back to the skeletons, those that have truly been harmed by progress.

    I agree that those sitting practically under the runway are harmed, lets assume there is a criteria for what harm is.


    But now we want to change the criteria that those within 5 miles of the airport are harmed, well why not make 10 miles because those folks can hear a plane too.


    Same with roads and developments, someone get compensated and others that did not feel harmed suddenly do when they see someone else got paid.


    I tend to be on the side of the underdog. I can definitely see where some have lost quality of life and even had land stolen.


    But what is the limit, you compensate 5 families based on noise, lights ect. You are going to be inundated by lawyers that are going to argue that people 5 miles away can hear the planes also.


    Because as Tundra just pointed out that people within 5 miles are negatively impacted.


    It makes it impossible to compensate a few homeowners.


    The best possible answer, at this point, where we accept that airport going forward will benefit a majority is commercialization and those most severely impacted are bought out privately.


    I do believe nothing in this county will go easy until until the right thing is done for some that progress has truly harmed.


    As a taxpayer I see the housing market in some of the subdivisions has resumed. We are not even close to bringing in a balanced tax base.

    The airport area is ideal for manufacturing. The 4 lane is ideal to handle the traffic that manufacturing will bring.

  8. Let me say first I have complained about the lack of good jobs in Paulding County for about 15 years. I was totally and absolutely opposed to Jerry Shearin and his administration for putting all their efforts into developing PRD's.


    Jamie I hope you have influence on the local officials to show them they are looking like Boss Hog and his administration.


    Yes we need good jobs, yes we need a tax base that is not dependent on houses, yes we need to all put our best foot forward to encourage economic development here. However I hope visitors do not view the Atlanta news stations where we look like the Dukes of Hazard today.


    You are right some things could have been said so much differently.

    Instead of saying we could do this without public input, they could have said that this company was a once in a lifetime opportunity. The reason they ask for this level of secrecy seemed valid to us, so we exercised the option that was available to us in not seeking public input or approval.


    Politics is a very rough game, there is no way to come out of it not being on the defensive. It does not stop on election day, it never stops. It is important to realize that not everyone is after you and to speak to those people. Everyone is not following that closely they only know what they see on the major news networks.

    I have been following so I know who the players are and what goes on. It's politics period.

  9. Just ask yourself why 1/2 the AA wasn't at the meeting yesterday and was in Hong Kong? Hong Kong and Singapore are the home to large hedge funds... I think the airport has the potential with Asian investment $$ to be another Chicago Midway or Houston Hobby.


    Why do I find that bazaar? Google the airport location on google earth nothing for miles and miles a four lane that is deserted mostly between rush hour. Soo Paulding is headed to the big time without expressways, limited rail ect. Folks need to be glad that they are getting what we are getting considering housing and retail took most of the decent land. The 4 lanes are looking more and more doubtful as more and more structures pop up on them.

    I think folks are getting way ahead of themselves. As far as I know we are reaching for some balance to give the homeowner some tax relief.

    There are not that many choices, the houses were built, the schools, the parks, the courthouse, on and on. We won't even discuss foreclosure and property values.


    I could say more about those hunting trouble but I will stop where I am at.

  10. See this is what I've been trying to say, they don't have their ducks in a row. While attracting new business is a must, keeping in touch with your existing business is also important. I have no idea why they banned stucco, nor do I care. It was their loss, we continue to provide quality work all over the Southeast. It was not my place to contact them but their job.


    A bird in the bush is worth two in the hand.


    You will not get a disagreement with me about business needing a better voice here. And a better way of being kept informed.

  11. Why did they do that? Was the Ingles built before that? Some of the buildings over there do have what looks like a combination of stucco and brick?

    There is no arguing that it hurt your business locally. For the record there are a handful of things that I am critical about especially when it comes to local businesses.

    I am behind this new plan for the local airport and economic development.

    It is so easy to criticize, I try to look at the positive and share my criticisms in private with those I disagree with. I think our tap fees are way too high for small business and I am not sure if it is discouraging the small business and only allowing corporate or franchise with more money to come in.


    But on the other hand some of the start up looks no better than a garage business it looks bad.

  12. I get tax bills every year and I pay them. We've been in the same location for 14 years and the other one 9 years before that. So I'm guessing they "should" know what businesses exist in Paulding. Todd Pownall, knows exactly who we are and what we do. But then he is our post commissioner. ;)


    We've also been chamber members for all those years. Kevin knows me well.


    So you think you should have seen some business from the county.

  13. You realize we don't do houses, right. We do whole shopping centers, condos, theaters, banks, schools, all commercial applications. We have done entire shopping malls, the one in Orange Beach Alabama was my favorite.


    So yea, we've been a mulitmillion business in Paulding for over 20 years, they didn't give us the time of day.


    Do they know who you are? I am aware of the issue that new business coming into Paulding is not aware of what already exist and goes outside the county.

    Jamie and I have discussed building a data base with bio's of existing businesses to resolve this issue.

  14. It's WAY more than a handful of people, everyone wants jobs. However, they want jobs and to be able to trust their elected officials. No one I know wants the airport closed, we want what we were promised, a small airport with corporate jets and puddle jumpers, not commercial flights.


    Really, there are folks that have records of every penny of local taxpayers dollars spent out there. It is time to make it pull it's own weight. I just don't see thousands of people headed to Paulding to get commercial flights all over the country. Can it be viable yes, another Hartsfield, very doubtful. If anything it will probably be travel agency flights to Florida and the Caribbean. Maybe to Vegas or Disney world.

  15. Yea, I have a vision for my company, too Paulding County shut me out. They campaigned on no tax hikes, got elected and turned right around and raised the millage rates.


    Yes you are entitled to your opinion. Spending taxpayer money is the citizens business. Throwing taxpayer money away is our business.


    Where is the feasibility study? Where's the impact study? What about that land of 1000 stop lights in Hiram on the "limited access" Hwy. Build it and they will come was a movie. Without something solid it's all pipe dreams.


    I've heard this BS for 20 years, nothing and I mean nothing they said would happen has. 20 years later we still have no viable business that was promised with the "4 lane". Instead we have rows and rows of fast food, strip malls and empty buildings.


    I have very valid reasons not to trust politicians, the lie and lie and lie.


    Those that made all the money in the housing market opened the door for poverty row. I am pretty sure that industry was never supported here because a lot of folks did not see anything in it for them.

    Well paying jobs are going to be a game changer, owners of large manufacturing companies are going to want to be part of the many boards the decide much of what goes on. That will surely throw a wrench in cronyism.

    The power structure is going to change dramatically, it might be that years of a$$ ki$$ing by some will be wasted.


    There is more than one way of looking at things. It is not big government against little people here. I am tired of people trying to exercise their anger towards the federal government on a local level.

  16. So why keep it secret from the post commissioner and the citizens who own the airport ? ? ?



    We have sunshine laws in this state for good reason.




    There were statements made over and over that secrecy was necessary and why.

    It does not seem like a lie to me when Delta and Mayor Reed come after you.

    Of course those that want the airport closed would have loved for it to get out early so that those powers could resolve their problem.

    They are aware that a lack of secrecy can stop a lot of economic development plans. That is why they are pushing.

    Again and again there is still no proof of illegal activity. The same ones insinuate wrong doing and there is never proof. They don't like what is going on for various reasons.

    A handful of negative citizens should never be able to stop good jobs from coming into the county.

    • Like 1
  17. The jobs should have been here before, the commitments should have been signed. We can sit here all day and say it will bring jobs, what jobs?? Is anyone even interested?


    I'm sorry this is putting the cart before the horse. That airport in St. Louis, IL is beautiful............it's empty. Gwinnett county didn't want this, they already have plenty of businesses. Does that not tell anyone this needs further study?


    No I don't believe our elected officials or the Airport Authority have the best interest of Paulding citizens in mind. There are many of us.


    Your welcome to your opinion, I believe that you will be surprised by the jobs. Your statement about the jobs having already been here makes no since at all. That airport has been on a very tight budget with the county paying as few people as possible while they worked on bringing companies there. The only jobs inside this county, are government, which is still the largest employer which I find disturbing and smattering of higher paid industry and management of the minimum wage industry.


    Quite frankly the handful will never trust or appreciate anything going on economically. What I do see is a lot of fish wanting back in the pond and if they can't get back in they want to destroy it for everyone.


    Your welcome to your opinion, I believe that you will be surprised by the jobs. Your statement about the jobs having already been here makes no since at all. That airport has been on a very tight budget with the county paying as few people as possible while they worked on bringing companies there. The only jobs inside this county, are government, which is still the largest employer which I find disturbing and smattering of higher paid industry and management of the minimum wage industry.


    Quite frankly the handful will never trust or appreciate anything going on economically. What I do see is a lot of fish wanting back in the pond and if they can't get back in they want to destroy it for everyone.


    Here is a quote that did not make it to p.com.


    Swafford said commercial air traffic – the bane of the Gwinnett County proposal as far as citizens were concerned, will only account for approximately 10-percent of the revenue Paulding County derives from this airport. Instead, he said, his vision of an aerospace research and manufacturing complex on the airport grounds will provide hundreds if not thousands of jobs and millions if not billions of dollars to the local economy.

  18. Just a suggestion...since the LOCAL leaders do not want our opinion....how about those opposed to the airport commercialization find a way to support Delta and Kasim Reed's efforts to prevent it?


    Or, we can just argue about the how much the people WE voted for are abusing their power and then vote them back in next time...while we're still griping about their corruption.


    I am so fed up with the good ol' boy system.


    The only people that ever show up with an opinion are those that are against the airport. I am still looking for real proof of corruption or unlawful activities. Just because folks are looking does not mean they can find it or it is there.


    As far as Delta and Reed they are only trading one power for another. The other certainly could not care less about whats good for the people of Paulding.

    The fact that they are this concerned tells us that this has a good chance of being highly successful.

  19. Let's hope they did their research. There are several open records requests in various stages.



    So our leaders have taken steps to try and keep our airport from being a failure. Not only are they fighting a handful of locals Delta and the mayor of Atlanta are coming after them.

    They are fighting for us to have an operational airport that provides thousands of jobs. What is wrong with this picture?

    Again a handful want this airport to never be operational and are doing everything they can to achieve that.

    There is no doubt had they known a year ago what was up they would have sabotaged it.













  20. This is where we are at, we have a few hundred people that will never go along with anything at the airport. They want it closed. It will not close the FAA will take it over and it will be used for whatever they deem suitable.

    There are another few hundred that don't want any progress here, surely the same folks that turned industry away years ago are not still running the show.


    Then you have the I hate David Austin and his cronies and I am against anything positive that makes them look good.


    Then there are the I can't see it personally benefiting me in any way therefore it is no, no, no.


    Nobody is up at the courthouse sniffing around to see what land is being zoned for commercial, what minimum wage business is seeking a license.


    Everyone sees benefit in that, the more shopping and eating the better.

    On the other hand their needs to be public approval of any industry that pays above average wages.


    I have often suspected that large industry was turned away because some felt our small pond did not want bigger fish.

    I also know that the game has always been some find favoritism with administration for their success. When it changes and folks are left out they are angry.


    It never occurs to them that depending on the local government for success might be the first mistake.


    A lot of folks involved in the housing business saw a huge reverse in fortunes. There is no way to change that and bring it back for them.


    Manufacturing and industry is the only thing that will truly benefit the majority of people living in this county.


    It is a shame that everything has to be kept secret because a handful pretend to speak for everyone in the county.


    I am pretty sure that some of the disrespectful remarks are aimed at those that dog every footstep of those involved in economic progress.


    No matter what is said about who, I think they made a great deal for our airport and they are doing the right things to bring in jobs.

    The people that sit on boards are those that take on the responsibility and are ask to make judgements for whats best for everyone that lives here.


    When you look at in terms of what benefits 140,000 people and 100 or so whose issues with progress are personal the decision is easy.


    As far as impact on these people, go to google earth map see where the houses are. The impact is minimal if at all to those in the subdivision.

    278 hardly has anything on it that far out.


    Good industries that pay well above average salaries going into designated industrial parks should call for celebrations in a county that was devastated by the housing crash. The value of the homes will recover with a robust economy another reason for celebration. I am sure that our people that work for the government won't miss furlough days either.


    Something is very wrong with people hating their local government and community leaders so much that they can not appreciate all the positive things happening to the economy here.


    I imagine it is also very discouraging to those that are working towards these goals. For many they can not make a good decision in the eyes of some folks.


    Somebody has to make the major decisions, and along with it I assume take criticism that goes along with it.

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