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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. If you've bought tickets and can't come, please put the tickets in the hands of someone who will use them. If you haven't got tickets yet, please buy a couple -- we need a good crowd in order to do one of the things I have planned. Proceeds will go to support scholarships for Paulding students as well as grants for Paulding teachers and schools. The show will feature a beautiful young woman from PCHS in a fantastic closing illusion. I'm really pleased that Caroline Folsom has agreed to help me out! If you have a child interested in magic -- there is one trick in the show that
  2. We have a winner! I hope all the rest of you will consider buying tickets for the show! PLEASE help me spread the word during this last week... I had really hoped to be ahead of where we currently are with pre-sales. Blessings... and NavyEagle#1, please PM me your name so I can put your tickets under your name. Thanks again!
  3. If any of you are planning to attend the show this Saturday night -- and help raise money for the Paulding County School Foundation -- I'd appreciate it if you went ahead and bought your tickets so we could see if we're going to have enough people to make this work. I don't want to cancel it, but right now we don't have enough people for me to actually perform the show I have planned. Just for fun, I've got *2* free tickets to give away to the first person who posts the correct response to these questions: The Statue of Liberty recently made the news when the crown area was re-ope
  4. Here's a little tidbit to whet your appetite: At this show, I will perform a routine never before seen in this country. It was performed by a British magician on a BBC television special back in the 1980s, but it has not been performed live in this country -- mainly because many performers consider it too difficult. Will it work when I try it? I have a good feeling, but anything can happen in live theater. It involves me and six other people... that's a lot of room for something to go awry. But we're going to give it a go! Get your tickets now at www.turnermagic.com!
  5. I haven't seen the final story, but I am told that I'm featured in a segment on the Georgia Magic Club that will air on Atlanta Public Broadcasting's show "This is Atlanta" during July and August. Two other magicians from the group were also to be featured. If you have seen me, you know I'm pretty well known for my dollars-to-hundreds trick and I was asked to perform it... but I switched to something else at the last minute. Each of us needed to do some close-up magic for the camera, and one of the other featured performers didn't really have a large repertoire of close-up material --
  6. For those who saw the show last year and have asked me -- this year's show will have some different pieces so it won't be a total repeat. If you'd like to do something nice -- here's an idea. Buy a ticket and give it to someone else. That person will have a great time, and you'll be supporting education in Paulding, too! Thanks in advance!
  7. Tickets are on sale now for Midsummer Magic 2009 at the Dallas Theater. The show is coming up Saturday July 11 at 7:00PM. Please help spread the word so that we can fill the place and raise the maximum amount possible for this year's charity, the Paulding County School Foundation. Get your tickets at the box office or online. All seats $12.
  8. The remaining icons of quality variety television are slowly fading. This is a snap from a television appearance I did with Mr. McMahon a few years ago. He gave me the best high-profile celebrity endorsement I ever got.
  9. I don't know. I've met the owners/partners, but I didn't ask about other locations.
  10. I'm performing at Paisano's on Cedarcrest tonight from 6pm to 9pm. If you haven't tried it yet, you should -- delicious Italian food, complemented with "the very best live tableside entertainment to be found anywhere." That's not my opinion -- that's what I was told last night by a member of my audience. She and her husband said that I had "ruined" their last two cruises because they kept comparing the magicians on the ship to me and those guys were not stacking up! (That was a nice and much appreciated compliment at the end of a hard week.) Hope to see you! Bring the kids, and ton
  11. Get to Paisano's tomorrow night, 6pm to 9pm. I have something new I've been working on -- ask to see the Voodoo Card!
  12. Thanks. They are already after me to schedule another. I am considering it. Tell your friends and keep an eye out for announcements on my web site and on my Facebook fan page: http://tinyurl.com/turnermagicfans The kids did great -- an amazing job. I was very pleased with their show this morning.
  13. Don't forget -- I'm performing tonight at Paisano's from 6pm to 9pm!
  14. When will he turn 8? I was at the Hiram library too -- Ken is a good friend.
  15. Back at Paisano's tomorrow night -- please come, and if you do come, please tell the manager you came because I encouraged you to! Thanks!
  16. Today is the last day to sign up -- the camp starts Monday morning at 9am! If you know a child from 8 to 12 who is interested in magic, this is a great opportunity to foster that interest and let them learn some real sleight-of-hand from a working professional. Cost for non-residents is $50. Call Mary Lou Luckie at Seven Hills TODAY: 678-574-5193 Thanks!
  17. First, a big thank you to those of you who have already made it out to Paisano's to see me. I appreciate the support and I believe the owner is impressed with how quickly I was able to demonstrate that I was bringing people into the establishment. I was out last Saturday due to a booking at a lovely wedding reception in Eufaula, Alabama... pretty town, gorgeous bride, delightful event! I am back at Paisano's this Saturday night starting at 6pm. Please come out and enjoy great Italian food and see some magic at your table! Thanks, JMT
  18. Reminder - I'll be performing at Paisano's tonight from 6pm to 9pm. Come on out for great food and great magic!
  19. By popular demand, I am teaching a 3-day summer magic camp next month in Seven Hills. Like all their camps, it is open to participants outside that subdivision. (I don't live there myself but it is nice to know that some activities are available for non-residents.) Abra-CAMP-Dabra! Monday June 15 through Wednesday June 17 9:00am to 12 noon Open to kids ages 8-12. Fee: 7 Hills residents $45, non-residents $50. (Fee includes snack) Registrants should bring a new pack of cards and a handkerchief. Other props will be provided at camp. I will be teaching kids how to ente
  20. Gig went great and is now a regular appearance. Look for me there on Saturday nights!
  21. Table-to-table sleight-of-hand. http://www.turnermagic.com
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