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Status Updates posted by ladytasciovan

  1. You've been stalked.LOL

  2. Hope all is well, see you on the board here's a smile :)

  3. You've been stalked cause you're special :)

  4. Gotcha again, ha


  5. You've been stalked LOL

  6. You've been stalked LOL

  7. Woot had fun with ya this weekend

  8. You've been stalked. LOL

  9. You've been stalked. LOL

  10. You've been stalked. LOL

  11. You've been stalked. LOL

  12. Post, or get stalked. LOL

  13. You've been stalked. LOL

  14. You've been stalked.LOL

  15. You've been stalked.LOL

  16. You've been stalked. LOL

  17. You've been stalked. LOL

  18. You've been stalked. LOL

  19. I will be your stalker on this trip. LOL

  20. Missed ya!! F* the rest of em. LOL, your friendly neighborhood stalker

  21. Love Carinos. We have had a few dinners there now. Going back soon.

  22. Hope you are doing better, still thinking of you both

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