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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. i think tonight they are just putting the redlight poles up, they have a long way to go before repaving and striping, this road work will lastuntil 2017
  2. strep throat, and flu is going around
  3. The road is suppose to be back open by 6am but who knows... .. I have no idea were the detours will be, i know some are taking marshall fuller, lindsey lake,
  4. I do not, we have been looking for a tiller our self. Good luck finding someone
  5. I agree... or they tell you one thing and do the opposite
  6. Hopefully I will not have to go that way until all is said and done.
  7. I wish them the best of luck, but it is to take more then a pub to bring dallas back to life, but it is a start
  8. I hope I will always be able to stay with win 7
  9. 1. I would think it means laptop, ipad, caculator ect.. 2.if the teacher is helping the student then yes 3.All students if the device is something that all students need for class. 4.cons- if not all students have the devices then they will not be on the same level as far up in class keeping pros- most kids are in to tech items these days, so that maybe a better way to teach them and keep them interested.
  10. April 3 (sunday) from 7pm- 6am monday morning... They have been getting the night lights ready..
  11. received notice in mail today, april 6, no water for 4-8 hours, * unless unforeseen issues come up* from the hours of 9am-5pm for the area of Mayfield road, parts of hwy 61, Arbor way to Cedar Creek dr. and parts of nebo... if you did not get the notice in the mail then you are not affected.. of course that does not mean anything, we were not suppose to be impacted by the construction, but yet: phone lines jerked out of house cable jerked out of the house, no power for 5 hours mail box torn down tree falling on fence fire hydrant left on for 5 hours, and the ditch flooded
  12. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fashevilleoralhistoryproject.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F04%2Fflight-242-30-cropped.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fashevilleoralhistoryproject.com%2F2013%2F04%2F10%2F242-aerial-view%2F&h=4711&w=5876&tbnid=7r1NADCme3PpaM%3A&tbnh=161&tbnw=200&docid=KEUyctijNZr2DM&itg=1&usg=__IHbtpqLDJuJEOJsWKIP_u1Ux_1w%3D#h=4711&tbnh=161&tbnw=200&w=5876
  13. Here is a you tube link to an hour long doc. on the plane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKSjmpPus-o
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