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Posts posted by sharee.smith

  1. drink a redbull. no not healthy but it still makes me clean my house :)


    lol...that's EXACTLY what i need it for! we have so much junk and papers and i am the biggest pack rat!! i am trying to get alot done since i am off for the holidays starting tomorrow!


    If you really have no energy you should check your iron. I take an iron pill every day bc I have low iron. When I do not take it for two days I feel horrible.



    I actually did used to have low iron when i was in high school. I wonder if i still do. I never have that much energy but it's never been bad enough that i thought about getting it checked out either. Maybe i should do that. I guess it could make a world of difference if thats the case! Can you check your iron without having to go to the dr?

  2. The IRS will not except your tax return without your W2 attached if mailed. They do not except any 2008 returns filed electronily until Jan. 15, because they have not opened there sights as of yet. It is never a good idea to send your return

    incomplete and it is not that easy to amend your return, unless you have a good understanding of taxes.



    I guess that answers all of my questions then. I was obviously going to do it online since i wouldn't have my w2 to mail in. Now that i know you aren't allowed to do it until the 15th i guess i will have to wait. Thank you! :D

  3. I am asking because i wanted to file my taxes on the first with my last paycheck stub. I am only wanting to do this because we really need the money right now. I have been told that the totals can change from your last stub to your w2. Especially since i have had garnishment payments coming out of my checks for the last few months. So i am curious exactly how likely it is that i would have to amend my return and if i chose to go this route how hard is it to go back and amend?

  4. Brock is huge, but if someone could take out is legs and get him on the ground, they have a chance. I don't like Evans, he made allot of enemies by his actions after the fight, not very cool.



    After AND during. But he was a pretty good guy, i agree with lumak, the fame is getting to him a little too much

  5. Just an FYI, we were at Taco Mac in Douglasville last night and they were getting ready for UFC fights. They pay a huge amount to air it at the restaurants, but have no cover charge for customers. You might want to give it a shot next time!



    I will have to check in to that! Thanks! I wonder how early i would have to get there to get seats.

  6. GSP is awesome! Love him! He is a great fighter and a great person as well. What happened to Matt Serra (sp)? He said he would be leaving the ufc for a while (im sure he will be back) but he was supposed to of had one more fight. I don't know with who but haven't heard anything about it.


    I want these :)

    Im waiting til they go on sale!! :) :)






    Sidebar: Lumak, I just read your about me. That cracked me up! lol. Sounds like me!

  7. Hey Lumak, I am not a die hard fan, but I do like to follow some of the fighters. What did you think about the fights last night? I hated the Forrest Griffin lost.



    I was so upset that griffin lost!! I used to like Rashad so i figured i would be happy with whoever won (griffin is my man though!) but rashad was an egotistical jackass last night!! I will no longer be routing (sp) for him! But that was one of the best cards we have had in a while!! Really good fights!

  8. I want to dye my hair..at home out of the box. I prefer to do it that way. I want the color that is dark brown but has that dark burgundy tint to it...but i don't want red!! So what box color and brand should i be looking for?

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