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Posts posted by sharee.smith

  1. Inside out chili corndogs.


    Cut up hotdogs and cook them with the chili. Serve them over a slice of corn bread.



    Never heard of this one. My boyfriend will love it! Ill save it for another day though. We just had chili last night!

  2. Verify that they are truly collecting on it. Sometime a fraudelent company can get the info on a debt and will send you official looking mail. You call and pay them, and it never goes to paying off the debt.



    How do i verify this? That concerns me even more bc i am being garnished for another account and never verified them..

  3. So...i get a letter in the mail from a law office saying they represent "__" company and are writing me to collect a debt.


    So I send a certified letter to the law office stating i acknowledge i owe a debt to that company but do not believe i owe what they say is owed, it should not be that high of a balance. I ask them in the letter, to please get with the creditor and provide documentation of what the charges are. I also sent a copy of this letter to the creditor themselves. I requested a reply via us postal mail within ten days of receipt of my letter. I get a voicemail on my work phone from a secretary in the law office asking me to call her (i didn't have a personal phone at the time), so i looked up the law office and sent an email to her (which i have a copy of) informing her i cannot speak about this on work time and i do not have another phone which is why i requested a reply via mail. I even printed a copy of the email and faxed it to the office (i also have a copy of the fax confirmation) I never heard from them until today when i get another collection letter saying they have tried to work with me and this is my last chance...yada yada yada.


    My question is ...what's my next step? I sent them the letter asking for documentation...it was certified and i have the receipt to prove they got it. Yet i never received the documentation yet they are still "harrassing" me. What do i do now??

  4. My tmobile service got turned off. My fault. I get that. But they have already closed my online account and i can't access my photo album of the pics i sent from my phone to the online album on tmobiles site! I had hundreds of my little girl in that album. So since my account is closed , that's that. I can't access those pics. :aggressive: :aggressive: <_<

  5. If you haven't changed anything to MAKE her fuss, I would just let her fuss. I know it sounds mean to some, but if you don't react, she will eventually give it up and start going to bed quietly again.



    Alright, that's what i usually do, but i just wanted to make sure I didn't need to switch up her bed time

  6. How much does a baby have to weigh before switching to the upright car seat that faces forward?


    What is a good way to teach a baby to hold her own bottle? I think mine is just spoiled to us holding it for her :(


    Any suggestions on bedtime fussiness? She used to go right to bed when we gave her her bottle at 8, now she fusses as much as she can before going to sleep even though she is SO tired. Is there something i can do? Do i need to move her bed time to a later time maybe?





  7. I got a self install kit from comcast for internet. When i tried to set it up it stopped me and said modem doesn't have digital signature , something along the lines of "did not pass windows logo testing to verify compatibility with windows xp"....SOOOOOOOOOOOOO what do i need to do, did i just happen to get a "bad" modem and i just need to tell them i need a replacement? It said i could continue with install but basically that it would crash my computer at some point so obviously i decided to stop. HELP! :)

  8. This will be the first year I have filed with a child. What deductions will i need to claim? I will be doing it online bc i can't afford to go get them done! lol. Just want to make sure i don't miss anything. ;)

  9. I know you can't "get rich quick" with these and i know the best way to make the money is to sign up for several legit sites. A few extra bucks here and there always helps! So who does these and who has some good ones they can suggest? (and yes i have asked this before but im asking again ;) )

  10. What are the best online colleges? I would like to start taking classes after the first of the year. I have never gone to college so i would have to start from the bottom. I am thinking paralegal. Any suggestions??

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