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Posts posted by sharee.smith

  1. I agree, but the issue is i am almost positive it would be cheaper for them to keep me at what they pay me now than to hire someone else so i don't think they would want to lose me. I say that because i know the starting rate is just barely below what i make now..i have been at my place of employment for 6 years. They are obviously saving money on me.

  2. I am looking for a site that offers wage comparisons. You know, the ones where you put in what you make , where you work and how large your company is and they compare it to those companies near you that are equal. They then tell you what the average pay is for your position. I am hoping to find one that is free and something reliable enough that i can take to my boss. I am about 85 % sure my pay is much less than fair in comparison to others doing the same...

  3. Im on the phone right now. The only way they can turn it back on is to take a post dated check...i don't like to do that though. I am always afraid that it is going to go through sooner. Sigh.

  4. Ive had the opposite luck with verizon. THey have been great to us. We paid an activation fee but the week after we signed up they were waiving the activation fee. When I called them up they went ahead and credited ours. Then we had an issue with the web....we didnt access it but apparently our free phones are so sensitive that just being in our pocket it activated it so they credited the $20 and also helped come up with a solution so it wouldnt keep happening. Then in november when My dh lost his second income we couldnt pay our bill (his second job covers internet/phones/tv/etc) so they suspended our service. THey called the other day to discuss it and I explained to them I just dont have it and she suggested splitting the $200 over a couple payments and not only were they willing to do that but she turned the phones on while we are doing this payment arrangement. Cant beat that :D Maybe you should call back and try to talk to someone else. I cant imagine they would do it for us and no one else.


    good luck.


    I may have to try and talk to someone else then. That's exactly what i was calling to do. My payment was due on th 21st of dec. Late..but not extremely late. She wasn't rude, just very nonchalant and could care less. I actually have a problem with the activation fee too..we signed up online and i always read all fine print. There was NOTHING about activation fees and i am having a hard time getting them credited. Zoo...are you calling a local store or the customer service line when they help you?



    it seems like they would work something out with you... instead of loosing your bussiness..


    That was my hopes...i am not usually "shady" like that but really need my phone right now. I thought they would try to work with me when i asked how much it would be to terminate but she just said " let me look for you" then she told me and said "is that it? have a nice day!"

  5. I have not liked verizon since i first signed up with them. I was hit with allkinds of fees and now my phone is suspended. Granted i am late on the bill. I GET THAT. But they won't even make any arrangements with me to get my phone back on. Ugh. I never had this problem with tmobile. They were ALWAYS willing to work with their customers. I was stupid to go with verizon i guess.

  6. WHY do people think it's ok to rub someones belly and ask if they are pregnant?! :huh: I am not pregnant. Im fat. Ok? I'm not exactly comfortable with it so why in the hell would you point it out? <_< Granted..all though i am bigger for my height i still do not look pregnant!? Thanks for ruining my self esteem today. Thanks for making me not want to eat for weeks. Thanks. I really appreciate that.



    Vent over.

  7. I got my Pit Passes this morning. :D I also have 4 extra "pit passes only" if anyone needs them. You must have a ticket to go along with the pit pass to get you in. PM me and we can work out how to get them to you.



    When is it? I missed it last year bc i was pregnant and the fumes would not have been a good idea. That and im paranoid of falling down those steps! lol If i can get tickets i would love your extra pit passes!

  8. Does anyone know of a local place that cashes checks? It is a reimbursement check from a company for an item i purchased that didn't work. I need the money today to go with rent and the shipping store is the only place i know of and they closed at 4.

  9. Ok..my title isn't the best but here is what i want. The eyes on my stove are so dirty..ugh. Does anyone have any "home cleaning solutions" to help get it clean easily?



    Then i thought while i am starting this thread we might as well post all of our "home remedies" and things like that.


    I have my pen and paper out! Give me some good ones!


  10. I bought a ton more like my girls spent my money but saved a lot...


    Where can you buy 6 bottles of Veet w/bladeless razor, 3 bottles of Huggies detangler, a box of 10 earrings, and nail decals for $13?



    Did you get all of the veet? I had one but put it back and then decided i was going to go back and get one. Have you ever used them before ? Do they work?


    Here is what i walked out with :)

    2 packs of diapers

    1 bottle of huggies baby wash

    3 onesies

    1 pair of baby capris (they look like regular pants on my lil girl..lol)

    3 pair of earrings

    1 magazine

    1 book


    14 bucks! that's a deal! And it really feels like i left something out!


    There were two boxes of spaghetti strap shirts. How much are those regular? I need some but prob won't be able to get back out there until after next pay day! Too bad i will miss the rest of the sale! :(

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