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Posts posted by sharee.smith

  1. If your work aggravates an existing condition is can be covered under worker's comp. You have to go to their doctors, you need to do therapy or what ever they suggest. If you cannot work, you may receive part of your regular income for a period of time. If any treatment or surgery is required, the worker's comp insurance may cover the cost. Please talk to your employer about this and see what reaction you get.



    Do I just speak with someone in HR?

  2. Well it itsn't like a "slip and fall" injury. It's carputunnel (sp). My wrists would get sore every now and then but now over the past week it burns and hurts bad every time i do data entry. The other day i was almost in tears just turning the pages of a magazine. I was going to go to my dr, because i know i obviously can't diagnose it myself. But then a lady at work suggested i file workers comp...i didn't even think this would be eligible for that but it is work related.. I just don't even understand what filing would do for me? Is it just something so that if it gets worse their insurance pays for medication or what? Im so lost when it comes to things like this.

  3. Ok..i know this is what you "file" when you are injured at work. But how does it work? How do you file? And what is the outcome that you would be filing for? Does that make sense? I need to file due to being "injured" but obviously need a better understanding of how it works first. And lastly, can your employer fire you after the fact for filing?

  4. I need to know how to get there. I amd right at 61 and 278. Help! :blink: They are having their pageant today and my lil sis is in it. When I do get there do I just go in and find a seat? Is it in the auditorium or what? Help! :)

  5. Does she act like she's in pain when she does it? My son used to hold onto his ears when he got sleepy, just started doing it one day. If she acts like there is pain, though, keep an eye on her. It may just be the teething, or the start of something else. Either way it's nothing to panic about, just watch her.



    She doesn't really act like it hurts her, she just fidgets with it. She will put her hand up over it for a second and bring it down. She pulls at one of them a little bit but thats the most she does with it.

  6. several things can mask as "ear pain"...incoming teeth, sinus infections are just a few. Good luck!



    All of her top teeth are coming in right now. She actually just cut one about 4 nights ago..sounds like that may be what it is. So then there is nothing that i can do other than tylenol ?

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