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Everything posted by Actionshots4u

  1. Thats the problem.. It only takes a few idiots to make it hard for real riders. This may explain how real riders feel about these idiots.. Start Here..LOL We actually call them Squids Squids More Squids Hope the links work
  2. I really miss being there but I had to respond to this topic.
  3. I would not trust this doctor at all. Is he a faith healer or witch doctor? For people that have real issues with back surgeries, diseases and things that cause "real" pain that affects every move you make the difference in a good pain management doctor can be the difference in having meds to survive each day with a tolerable pain level or sticking a gun in your mouth and getting it over with once and for all..
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xMfk1msw9A
  5. Wow.. Now you make it clear that you would actually and on purpose hurt or possibly kill a rider for splitting lanes even if the law says its legal...
  6. I wasnt scolding anyone, just posted an opinion. Trust me I have been on both sides of this argument from a driver point of view and a rider point of view. Seemed a little harsh to "hope" someone would crash when in the same post you say your intentions were to make the situation safer.. Just like Pubby said, get a tag number and call 911 if you honestly feel your life or other motorists lives are in danger. Any rider that makes the choice to ride stupid and/or split traffic like that will eventually have their luck run out and we can only pray they only hurt themselves and not i
  7. This is not good at all.. Not good news..
  8. Are you guys just for Cruiser type bikes or do you let Crotch Rockets in?
  9. Me too..Its been cold long enough to kill the bugs and weve had enough rain to make me wanna do a drought dance. Spring cant get here fast enough.
  10. Thats really, really sad. God Bless your Mother for her love and patience. However... In my opinion if a person is hostile or enraged enough to come to my window screaming,hollering or whatever then I would take that as a personal attack and possible threat to my safety and/or life..
  11. This is a spinoff of the "What ticks you off about bikers" thread. One of my biggest is when they throw cigarettes out the window knowing you are behind them and you get hit in the chest or face shield with it.. Or you see them looking at you in their rear view mirror and turn on their windshield washer knowing it will spray over the car and wet you.. Grrrrrrrr What really Burns your arse about cagers and their not paying attention, looking for or just not caring about bikers?
  12. I dont worry about crashing just wanna be able to walk away from it. A rider with jeans, T-shirt and tennis shoes or work boots cant compare to wearing full gear. The reason you can see and hear better with a half helmet is because its NOT protecting your face, chin, ears and has no neck support to keep you from snapping your neck.... If the full face helmet you choose restricts your movement and makes you lose your ability to use your peripheral vision or distorts what you see in your mirrors then somethings wrong, you need to try a helmet that fits the shape of your head be
  13. I understand for sure, wearing gear is a personal choice. The whole Gear vs No gear is a volatile subject among riders. I am without a doubt a full gear only rider. I wear "Full" gear all the time every time all year round whether Im going to the end of the street or across the country. Im sure plenty of folks seen me riding on 278 and 92 during the summer when it was near 100* dressed in full leathers, sweat will wash off, road rash and broken bones wont. No matter whether you ride a 900 lb bike or not and ride as safe as possible that wont help you a bit when a 3000 lb car o
  14. I get really angry when I see small kids on the back of bikes and the rider rides like an idiot. It also gets me that the adult riding the bike lets the kid wear one of the stupid little half helmets, but then again I never understand why an adult rider with half a brain wears a stupid half helmet. Then you get the Crotch Rocket riders flying around with their girlfriends on the back wearing shorts and tank tops.. Road rash isnt forgiving when you hit the pavement. Then again the greater majority of the riders dont even have a valid motorcycle license, they only have the temp
  15. Thats what its about..the things that make you mad or get on your nerves about bikers.. Go ahead and vent...LOL
  16. When nobody calls is bad enough but all this Freaking rain!!!
  17. The little "Fart and Furious" cars are the ones always trying to race motorcycles on the street driving like fools with a riced out family car..
  18. I was at a motorcycle meeting over the weekend and we started talking about the difference in Cruisers and Crotch Rockets and what really gets on peoples nerves about each one. Personally I cant stand the loud pipes on the cruisers when they feel the need to keep revving them up for everyone in the entire intersection to hear them, kinda the look at me Im cool on my loud bike mentality. Or the Crotch Rocket riders that feel the need to zip in and out of traffic wearing a T-shirt and shorts. What really gets on your last nerve, bothers you or just plain ticks you off wh
  19. Did they change ownership or management since its a " Grand Re-Opening"? Whats different than before?
  20. I wasnt sure the one in Douglas would be open this year after the death of a teen there last year. Teen Dies at Douglas Haunted House and Chris Lumpkin Memorial
  21. Its a mess for sure. I agree 100% with MRS G about Douglas, I have been trying to get my ex wife to catch up for over a year, shes over $20,000 behind and I have spent over $3000.00 in attorneys fees trying to get it.. It seems theres nobody in the system thats in the least bit of a hurry to help..
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