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Bobby Jo Bradley

Mayberry Sheriff
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Everything posted by Bobby Jo Bradley

  1. Welcome back!! Where have you been?
  2. Well some other time then. Maybe you can get my sisters and I all together.
  3. The forum in Rome. I have Colt Ford/ Corey Smith tickets.Then I'll probably go around town looking for fun.
  4. I'm around. No drinkin for me until tonight. I've got plans for a night on the town. You wanna come?
  5. Click on the drop down menu next to your screen name at the top of the page. Then click the bottom "manage subscriptions" I believe you can get a paid membership there.
  6. What's wrong with that?? LOL You know it!!! But seriously Daisy you should come out with us some time!!!! Hey now put that thing away before someone gets hurt!!! Aww come on Aunt Bea. We were just trying to have some fun!!!
  7. Ok people of Mayberry I have an announcement. I would like to take this opportunity to bring something to everyone's attention. Everyone can nominate another for a bullet through the report button appearing to the left bottom of each post. Don't do it maliciously and don't cry wolf or you may get shot yourself. The popo can get trigger happy when they're over-worked. We are feeling over worked here people. Can't everyone lighten up and get along? Not everything on the web should be taken seriously. Although everyone loves a good discussion it doesn't have to get heated. Mayberry
  8. Thank you for pointing this out. If you would the next time you see something like this click the report button. That way it comes to our attention and we can fix it. As mods we read a lot of threads. Sometimes we catch things sometimes we don't. If you see something like this report it. That way we know it needs to be fixed. As far as I'm aware it is just the business name that is not allowed in the topic title. If not I am sure PUBBY will correct me.
  9. You got her, what's yours....I Kissed a Girl?
  10. Could you at least pretend to not be a tramp for the holidays? What would Mom say?
  11. Maybe if your all good some will be in your stocking on Christmas Eve? Get a week off from Pubby? HA.
  12. Oh no! you do not do that to me I have a date Lu Ann can wait just like a man start something and you finish the sentence
  13. At least you think of me now..... are you really gonna make these nice people give you twenty for a mayberry?
  14. You did what? OH Nooooo I may have to pull some extra shifts to get you a mayberry now
  15. I am just visiting here sgt is in charge in here Mr. Haney I will meet you at our place have a drink ready
  16. wear some of that good smelling stuff you have Yes sir Boss unless you make me pull a double tomorrow by the way how is LuLu
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