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Everything posted by retiredteacher

  1. Just what I was hoping you'd say! Deal.
  2. Is it gas or electric? Size? Gimme some specs.
  3. Woo-hoo! Subby just brought my mower back looking like new and running like a top! (Sorry, son.) He is the best! Thanks, Subby.
  4. Matt, it looks like the menus were professionally printed but I thought you ought to know that it is "streak o' lean" because there is a steak of meat in the fat! I hope to get by there soon to try out the goodies!
  5. You got an aqua/black in zebra yet? My niece is having a hard time and I'd like to surprise her.
  6. Hey, Nemie! I love the purses and wallet. I'm sitting here deciding what to put where in the wallet now. The purses are sooo cute. My friend and her grandaughters will love them! Thanks, again and I'll be looking for Steve tomorrow!
  7. I live in the back part on the lake. Where was this? I didn't hear anything!
  8. I'm making my list now, and no, it isn't the house for cats!
  9. I love the one that is red on top and zebra on the bottom! I'm sick right now and won't be coming out, BUT I know where you live!
  10. While I have your attention - here's Pepper today. Took this with the phone so it's kind of fuzzy. For those who don't know about the litter that Steve and Nemie caught and tamed, this was the last one caught and the last one adopted - by me. She's a mess!
  11. Woo-hoo! My babies are getting a new tree/playground for Christmas!! You and Steve are the best!
  12. Hey, LaineMama! I think Nemie misunderstood you. If you meant the Christmas Tree was wrecked, go to Nemie's website and look at the CAT TREES she has for them to climb and play on. My cats love theirs and haven't wrecked my furniture.
  13. Darn, Nemie! I know I told you that I wanted the short one stained but those red ones are so CUTE! I still want the medium one stained for sure. Has Steve had a chance to think about my cat tree?
  14. I think I saw you checking out my house on Friday, Subby! You stopped the car and started down the driveway (yellow house) and then after looking at the siding, left. It was in Windmill Creek. I guess that means mine is OK! BTW: I love the CDs!
  15. Welcome! Any friend of Nemie's is a friend of mine! Can't wait to see your things.
  16. I need the medium stained one (rectangular and elegant!) and a little red bone one. My cousin has a new shelter baby and he's part doxie! I'll get with you on Sunday but if you get a chance to sell them, I don't need them 'til Christmas.
  17. For the morning crowd - don't forget to go see Nemie at Grand's this weekend!
  18. Another thing, Nemie. I went to the Cat Show on Sunday and none of their toys were any better than yours. I need a couple of new ones for Dr. Destructo (Bandit) for Christmas.
  19. Nemie, I love those fish-shaped tables! Are you going to be somewhere selling next weekend?
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