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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. I'm not interested in your stupid videos, and I doubt most of the other people here are either.
  2. There's only one Jesus and he's the same as he's always been. As usual, you've seen a youtube video that piqued your hateful thoughts, and now you're obsesses with it. But all you're accomplishing is to show how crazy you are.
  3. You know very little about Jesus, and you make a fool out of yourself by posting this crap.
  4. To be honest, I'm not on either "side" of this. The politics of this county and the strange bedfellows it makes is sickening! Beyond that, I'll keep my positions to myself.
  5. Then why not stick with what you can prove, or at least have strong evidence of instead of running a smear campaign? Frankly, you're destroying what tiny bit of credibility you have left. Oh and...plenty of people here will vouch that my avatar is not me. I'm much uglier.
  6. There's an entire Facebook page dedicated to pubby's dirty politics. No, I had nothing to do with it.
  7. Wow! Now pubby, the guy who won't allow the aboortzion topic and supports the party who champions aboortzion. , thinks he's a preacher. My goodness, the hypocrisy!
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines
  9. As I stated in the last school shooting discussion; the Democrat's ONLY "solutions" (I put solution in quotation makes because banning guns won't solve anything except the agenda of the people who want to disarm the American public) is guns, guns, guns.
  10. Please show me where the guy said anything about removing emergency exits. Do you realize that fire and building codes would prevent that? This is just yet another example of your partisanship making you be stupid.
  11. I scanned over the article and I didn't see where he mentioned "emergency exits". You do realize that you can have emergency exits where an alarm (even a monitored alarm, I am also in this business) sounds if opened, therefore alerting leadership. So the numbers of entrances and regular exits could be reduced and all safety measure could still be adhered to. Are you over-reacting a bit?
  12. I added some text to show why you wouldn't really support these things.
  13. Would you stop being an ass? These shootings have nothing to do with Christianity.
  14. How old were you when you lost your sense of humor?
  15. It's normal to experience some hearing loss at your age.
  16. Humor. It can be fun.
  17. "Black guy"? Look at you play the race card. Maybe someday you'll learn to use your mind and look at the actual facts and figures regarding the Obama presidency. Only then will you realize how horrible of a job he did. Never better, thanks. But what is your fixation on my home life?
  18. Oh, look. Another cute pic. You're such a talented debater. You must be a master debater.
  19. Oh boo hoo! Obama didn't get a fraction of the hate Trump is getting, especially considering the horrible job he did with our country. Like him or not; Trump has done more to fix our economy in a year and a half that Obama did in eight.
  20. Sure, on the surface it looks a bit odd. But do you wait and find out the whole story? Nope, you declare him guilty. Almost everything you guys have accused the man of has either turned out not true, or has not been proven. But that doesn't keep you from hating every breath the man takes. And then you call me partisan because I am trying to be fair. All this hate and the crazy antics is a big part of the reason why Democrats will lose big in the mid-terms.
  21. That's just it,,,,I don't know yet. And you don't either, so why make him guilty until proven innocent?
  22. Now that's funny! I'm not the one who posted an extremely partisan opinion editorial written by an extremely partisan author and published in an extremely partisan magazine. I'm not the one slinging opinions and accusations around with nothing of substance to back them up. That would be you, pubby, Cain, TP, etc. And you call me partisan when all I'm doing is asking you to show me the proof. This dump has become little more than a hate on Trump venue, and most of you who are doing it have little or nothing of substance to back it up. All this Russian stuff, and absolutely NOTHING of su
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