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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. I have always wanted to stay in the Jekyll Island Hotel (it's the big one). It just always looked so neat and romantic, plus I think there is some history there that gives it charm. I would definitely eat on St. Simon's though!

  2. I think that is what they were looking for - they are really wanting to teach business or math at the HS level. They both have degrees from GT in business with minors in Math so they were hoping not to have to retake a lot of classes to get into teaching. They are looking to do it full time for a few years as they take their masters and then enter the business world.


    This is called the TAP program. They can teach on a provisional certificate without full pay (except in a title one school) for a full year, but during this year they attend classes and training and mentor programs and then must pass the cert. test at the end of the year to get their certification. This is it in a nutshell.

  3. Ken, a lie is a lie - in my home there are no degrees of a lie - life is black and white - and a lie is anything not the truth. The lady in Cobb lied and got off. It is our "justice" system that lets people off the hook and sends the message that this behavior is okay and tolerated.


    I agree! If her reason was she was doing the best thing for her kids...what kind of example was she setting for them by telling them it's okay to break the law as long as it's good for us or we benefit from it???? In my opinion, this is not the best things for kids!

  4. Is that what I have to look forward to after my third child??? They seem to get a little bit more larger and hang a little bit lower with each one!


    Woh! Sorry about the repeat...not sure how that happened!

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