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Posts posted by nschur

  1. Color me jealous! Have a great time!


    Well hi there M. Where ya been? I had to break into my stash. There are just no sweets left in this house. I'm down to my last 1/2 sleeve. :cray: :cray: :cray: Dis jr. sure did a number on my stash when he found it. :rolleyes:

  2. We were discussing this at the station a little while ago. From those with experience, the big drawback to the metal roofs are the fasteners. The roof is warranteed for 50 years but the fasteners start to fail after about 5 and they are not covered. The rubber grommets just do not last in hot climates. Metal is also succeptable to hail damage. Just a couple of thoughts to consider. My dad put metal on their garage out back. Looks good and we have not seen any leaks in about 7 years.

  3. Does the name "Eddie Hascal" mean anything to you?


    I don't care who ya are... That right thar was FUNNNNY! :lol: :rofl:


    I know you and know this is a true statement. I also know you well enough to know that the BF knows better than to try and blow air up YOUR skirt!! He isn't Eddie Haskel by any means... and NO we aren't old because we know who that is.


    *** HIJACK***


    KRM... I am not responsible for the tragedy in Solo's yard. :p


    *** HIJACK OVER ***


  4. Sounds like we're going to be in the great State of Florida during the same week. B) It's a short hop from Orlando to Daytona. Too bad we won't be able to hang 'cause you couldn't drag me away from the beach with a tow truck, but you're more than welcome to sneak over for the afternoon! :D


    What excu...err... coworker rescue plan shall we use and on what day? ;) I don't think she's gonna buy the "choir practice" thing down there. :unknw:

  5. Well, I certainly agree! :D



    Just compliment me and all will be well! :lol:


    But I already did...

    Hmmmm... But you probably did do a good job on them to.


    Geesh... give one compliment and they want two. :rolleyes: I like people that take pride in their children and how they were raised. There is not enough of that around anymore. ;)


    In my world a complement from a kid means 1 of 2 things:



    1, They want something.


    2, They did something.


    I am sure there are other reasons, but I havn't ever seen them. :lol:


  6. It's a gimmick... well not exactly. It does give a slight advantage, but the air you breathe is composed of 78% Nitrogen. So just using normal air to fill your tires twice when low will theoretically give you 95% nitrogen if your air pressure drops 20%, or about 6psi.


    Ok, I'm fairly well versed in math and physics but you lost me with this one. As the air leaked out it was not just the Oxygen that came out, but 78% of the nitrogen too. How do you get to the 95 % Nitrogen figure. That is impossible unless you have some way of trapping the Nitrogen while letting the Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide out. :huh:

  7. My daughters boyfriend of 9 months was sitting in the living room with us tonite, no TV on and Biz was making a dress. We were all telling stories about ourselves and about Biz and when she was growing up and he looked straight at me and said, 'Ya'll did a great job raising Biz, all your kids are good kids. I think ya'll are really good parents'. AWWWW!!! I thought that was neat.



    Ok... Why is he schmoozing you up like that? Some things just make you go Hmmmm... But you probably did do a good job on them to. ;)

  8. 3.5 more days until we leave! :yahoo: 5 yards done today plus some of the roadway on Austin Bridge at Hendrix. I hate overgrown roadways by my neighborhood. :rolleyes: Scraped and primed my neice' porch posts. 2 regular yards and 1 huge one left and I'm all caught up. :D We are going to St. Augustine for 2 nights first to see the city and have fun at the beech. Dis jr. will love the fort, he has this thing for guns. wait till he sees those guns! :shok: :rofl: :rofl:

  9. DANG MR. DIS, just rub it in :D


    Umm... didn't you just get back? :p


    I'm a member of the Disney dad's club at wdwinfo.com . They have trip reports on the forum there. I might try posting my reports either there or on pcom. ;)

  10. This is one of the reasons they put daylight driving lights on a lot of new cars. ;) Put them in drive and they just come on. Shoot it is fireman proof. You could lock most anyone of is in an empty, round, sealed room with 2 steel balls, come in 15 minutes and 1 will be missing and the other one broken. :lol: :lol: :rolleyes:

  11. We have been really looking forward to a reall getaway. Been a rough winter and we are going to go kick back and have some fun. :D 1 shift left to work and I am off for 17 days. :yahoo: :yahoo: Kids still do not know where we are going, so SHHHHH!!!! ;)

  12. :lol: :lol: I attended a breakfast ONE time and was the only Male there. That itself was akward feeling enough but when a lady that sells lady stuff announced her entire stock of products that buzz were 40percent off. I spit my grits across the table. Never been to another breakfast, lunch or dinner!!


    I hear ya Jetman. I've been to a couple breakfasts that were well balanced but Dis jr. and I were the only guys at the last lunch. It was still fun though. B)

  13. Just a few thoughts. There are several phases to 911 calls. First it is answeres by a call router. They get the pertinent info and route it to the proper place. That said remember cell phones may go to the wrong 911 center. If you are near a jurisdictional boundry your call may go to Cobb when you really are in Paulding. The router will see the cell phone tower's address. thatis why you must give the physical address of the emergency. Some of Cobb's cities go to the 911 center and then to the city dispatcher. Then there are 5 police zones and fire dispatch in Cobb to route the calls to. Police calls a prioritized more than fire. Fire will send the next closest apparatus even if it comes from across the county. The dispatcher will get the info from the router and then notify the appropriate units. As I said sometimes the closest ones are busy and you get one from much further away. At the fire station we do not sit in the truck and wait for calls. We have training and other tasks to complete also. In general we will be on the truck within about 1 min. 2 if we have to bunker up. Finally we drive to the location and that has plenty of variable including traffic, weather and time of day. We shoot for a 4 min response but it simply takes 10 min to get to some places that are in your first in. If you do not put your address on your mailbox and you live in a rural area you are asking to be driven by. Please consider where the closest apparatus is and place your # on the mailbox on the approaching side. You would be amazed at the people who have no or misplaced numbers.



  14. Laugh at the irony?

    If maybe we could put them in a space prison where if the even wanted to breathe, they had to pump in their own air, wanted to eat, had to produce their own food, wanted clean clothes..had to provide them, pooped? had to dispose of their own, etc.


    We as a society, are supporting far too many useless individuals and the solution is not an easy one.


    The solution is simple. Make the punishment more unpleasant than the rewards for the crime. There are many in jail now simply because they wanted to go back in because of the economy.

  15. I'm simply pointing out that you do not understand the concept of "eye for an eye". You continue to show your lack of understanding. I'm not sure that additional explanations will accomplish this. See, you refuse to let go of a misunderstanding. And what are you rambling about, regarding punishment after you die? Where's the logic in bringing up an executioner? Killing isn't nescessarily illegal! You say you're trying to make a point, but you're going in so many different directions - I can't determine what your point is! Maybe you can start by explaining what you mean by "answer to Budha (sic)" You think that the Buddha sits in judgment of your actions and punishes you if you're "bad"? But only if you're a Buddhist, if you're a Muslim, then a muslim deity, Allah, gives you an afterlife spanking and sends you to the nether world without supper? And if you're christian and you're bad, then god just says, "the hell with ya"? Since you brought all of this up, this non-sequitur about afterlife consequences - Try this on:


    If "an eye for an eye" is a model for fairness - In other words, if punishment should never be more severe than the offense, then where's the rightness in "hell for unbelievers" according to the christian myth? Doesn't eternal punishment seem harsh for simply not conforming to one set of belief systems out of thousands?


    What does any of this have to do with our judicial system, though? Our judicial system, thankfully, does not consider the liklihood (or lack of it) of supernatural punishment when sentences are imposed. That's why I don't get where you're going with the god, alah (sic) and budah (sic) thing.


    Think of "an eye for an eye" not literally, as you are obviously inclined to do. But instead, think of it as, "even-handed justice". The concept of "an eye for an eye", or "even-handed justice" does not imply ANY PENALTY. Do you understand that? It only says that you shouldn't penalize offenders to a degree that is in excess to the offense!


    And, finally, nobody's picking a fight. We're just discussing here. You say that you have a point to make. I'd just like for you to make it where it makes a single lick of sense.


    Can't see the forest for the trees. :rolleyes:


  16. I understand your point, but does it really justify favoring one discipline over another? Perhaps your child does not succeed in math, but is one heck of an analytical scientist, or storyteller. So we say he can't do this, so forget about that? That is the issue that bugs me!


    I encourage him (strongly) to do the other stuff too. We are working on the promotion of positives in his case. The better he feels about himself doing math the easier it is to get him to try the english. You can not succed with math if he is all torqued abot the english.


  17. OK, this will, I am sure end up on school forum, but as a teacher I want all to know it is VERY frustrating when students walk into the CRCT testing environment with an attitude of "I don't need to pass _______________ to get to the next grade. Also, I am super fed up with parents/guardians who do not support the education that is provided to their children when teachers who have nothing else in mind but THEIR students success and parents do nothing when their child fails to make an effort. That's right an EFFORT. The ONLY REASON any child struggles in today's education is lack of motivation. Students who take a bit longer to learn, need to study longer than those who dont. THAT IS a fact of life! When parents tell their children that this or that test doesn't matter, it immediately diminishes the effort and outcome. When TEACHERS do the same, holy cow, what a major effort in work effort is destroyed.

    I fully agree that a state test should not have the value of a life threatening crisis, but it should not be diminished to a game of checkers. When students have the attitude of "it doesn't count" why SHOULD they make an effort, and the result is significant. PLEASE think parents AND teachers when we discuss importance of tests. They shouldn't freak out, but also, they shouldn't not care. My subject is significant whether or not the STATE says so, and if YOUR child thinks it doesn't matter, what effort will be demonstrated to show mastery?

    Think parents and Teachers, THINK!


    I know it is frustrating. But remember it can be just as frustrating for some parents too. Dis jr. (6) has ADHD and ODD and trust me, his teachers have been great. Everyday is a fight with him and school work. To be honest I want to hold him back. He has made soo much progress in skills and maturity this year. Still he is so far behind the others mentally and physically. He was only 2 weeks from being forced to wait a year anyway. some of us really do appreciate the teacher's hard work. Sometimes there are other reasons too. ;)


  18. "An eye for an eye" also has nothing to do with the supernatural*. Like I said, you don't really have a grasp on the meaning of the phrase. There's nothing the matter with my reading comprehension, but instead , the problem is your ability to make a heck of a lot of sense.


    *god? Alah (sic)? Where did that come from? Sorry, but I just can't make a whole lot of sense out of ya! But you go ahead..


    So I in general agree with you but wish to expand the thought, so you try to pick a fight? Gotcha... Nothing like being open minded and friendly.


    So would you agree that the capital crime of murder would allow for death under "an eye for an eye", provided you belive in the death penalty?


    What about rape? How would you address that under "an eye for an eye"?


    What would you deem appropriate for theft? Lopping off a hand / finger. Maybe just a fine. If someone stole from you chances are they do not have much for repayment anyway.


    As you said "let the punishment fit the crime".


    Let's go back to the original subject murder. So we sentance someone to death. That person in all likelyhood will not willing throw the switch or administer the injection themselves. Therefore an executioner will be required. That person will by the very nature of their job kill someone. No they will not be penalized for it because it was sanctioned. Whether you believe in God, Alah, Budha or any other or even no other you still either have to answer to them for your action or at least be ok with it yourself. I am trying to keep this broad enough to cover most peoples belief sets. A Christian for example will have to atone for his actions after death. Would doing his job as executioner give automatic pardon for killing or would it earn condemnation? I can only say that I do not know for certain. He was not defending himself. But maybe he was defending someone else down the road by doing his job. I hope that makes sense to you. I was not picking a fight with you just trying to make a point.

  19. He's spotted like a cow...

    Heck, I'd just moved to podunk county...ya'll have some cows out here.


    That would make him a Holstein right? :lol:


    I better stop before I hurt Demon's feelings and he gets all bullish on me. Is he looking over your shoulder Solo?


    My lawnmower is red after all.

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