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Posts posted by nschur

  1. The taxes I am speaking of are not on a primary residence (in which most cases, but not all, have escrow accounts). These taxes are on rental properties (which most of the time do not have escrow accounts). As I stated earlier, in my opinion, it doesn't really matter if if is a primary residence or rental properties


    I'm confussed, but then again that's nothing new, but why would a rental property not have taxes paid on it? I know that if a citizen owns a property but rents it to someone else they still get the tax bill. Now as far as the taxes go they could then be claimed as an expense and taken off taxes. The cost could be passed on to the renter but in either scenerio the taxes should still get paid. Further, since the property owner is not using that property as their primary residence they then lose the homstead exemption.

  2. HELL NO! Not until it's dead! When the BOC is thrown out on their heads and we get a handle on this taxation without representation or I can get the hell out of this godforsaken county I will never stop bitching about it.


    I'm with you on turning over all if not most of the incumbents. My whole thing about the dead horse is the folks that do not want to pay school taxes just because they don't have kids in school. My whole point remains... schools are part of the county services package along with fire, police, parks & rec. and all the other county run services. There is no al-la-cart option for the services. Can you imagine the nightmare the county would have on it's hands if everone was only taxed on the services THEY wanted to use. Just because you don't go to the parks dosen't mean you can opt out of paying for them. They are there for you to use. If you don't like how much is being spent on parks talk to your comm. and tell them. If that dosen't work then vote against them the next time. The same applies to the BOE. Lord knows I have a whole bunch of problems with the current standings but I am actively researching the problems, meeting with the appropriate people and presenting my ideas to them. I am VERY angry with the chairman right now, not because of the tax situation, (which is enough to make anyone angry) but because he lied to my face when I met with him. I'm a big boy now, I may not like the truth but you do not have to lie to me about it just to try to make me happy in the short term. As they will see... when the truth comes out I WILL be even more angry and you really don't want that. Just ask my kids, they have already figured out that no matter what they did I will get over it and their punishment will be far easier than if I find out they lied to me.

  3. It doesn't need to be that complex at all - if you have kids you pay their tuition, if you don't have kids you don't pay - doesn't need to have anything to do with property tax. As both my wife and I have said - we have no issue paying for schools, we don't even mind paying for the extras - IF THE EXTRAS ARE TRULY THAT. When we read about kids that don't have books, lockers or classrooms yet there are those in the same school district that have brand new gyms, theaters and tennis courts it makes us sick. I also have an issue with paying as much in school tax as those that have 4,5,6 and even 7 kids in the system - please tell me how that is fair. Trust me you don't want to bring up benifits and value - unless you have kids in schools you get nothing for your taxes. We pay as much as county's that include things like trash pick up, actually do road repair, and actual inspect homes as they are being built - I won't even get into how under staffed the police, fire and animal control are.

    I understand your point, YOU just want to pay for what YOU use. Let me ask you this...when was the last time your house burned down or you had someone break into your house? Odds are never, which is good. What's my point? Have you you prepaid for the fire station, the fire truck, the paid staff and the water needed to put the fire out when your house catches on fire? No? Then by your own admission you are just SOL because you failed to pay for the service in full in advance of just that one time need. You need to look at this as a kind of insurance plan. You pay only a small amount of what it costs to provide these services because everyone puts into a general pool for that truly bad day that you actually need those services. The more people putting into the pool the better the services and the less the overall costs to the individual. The school system works the same way. Yes the family that has 5 kids in the system is reaping the most benefit but the fact remains that if you suddenly decided to have 10 kids of your own then you would be the one making a killing in the return on investment category. The fact is the service (Schools) is there for all residents of the county and the county is mandated by law to provide that service. Whether you chose to avail yourself of that service is your own choice. I chose to have 2 children, the oldest is 8, and that is all I believe that I can afford to raise. That is my choice. I am now 42 and have never complained about paying my school taxes since I bought my first house in 1993. All those years with no kids in public schools but I knew that MY home was in an area with good schools and that alone is worth much more to me in the homes market value than what I was paying in school taxes. What you propose would be a financial nightmare for the county to try to manage. It is far easier to just say we will provide adequite schooling for the 1.2 children per home in the county and spread the cost out among all those homes based on Market Value. Those last 2 words are the ones that kill me though. I will admit that if the school system insists on an equal school building(s) for all school areas, then why are they charging more taxes to the higher priced homes. It would make more sense to have a flat school tax based on an equal share of the load. ie. A $300,000 home would pay the same school tax as a $75,000 home because there should be no difference between school zones.

  4. I hear a lot of complaining about the school tax by those that do not have children. I did not vote for the bond and I do not like paying the extra taxes either because I believe the county is just putting a band aid on an arterial bleed. But I do know enough to realize that there is no way for a potential home buyer to say " I'll buy this house because they do not have children, and neither do I, and do not pay school taxes. That way I will pay $20,000 less for this house because it does not have access to the county schools". In short I do not believe you childless people would give up $20,000 in your home's value, from the identical one across the street, just so you would not have to pay school taxes. That is in short what would have to happen. There is no way to distinguish between houses like that. Your home's value is tied directly to the area in which it is located. That also includes the area's schools, fire and police protection, parks and rec. along with a whole host of other contributing factors. All potential buyers look at all these things before assessing a home's value to them and buying that home. I'm pretty sure you didn't ask if there were any homes in your area available for sale that did not include the ability for the residents children to go to the local school. :glare: You folks that do not have children or whose children do not go to school anymore need to accept the fact that you house's value is obtained by all these benifits and you just can not selectively drop them. Let's just let this dead horse be...what do ya say? Please.. :)

  5. My house value rose by about $2100 and my taxes went up by $400. Not too bad I guess. <_ i knew right off that this would be about what to expext. really makes me angry is in my one on converstions with shearin and sower ms. believe gave the best most accurate answers she could lied face. just for record voted fire tax but against school bond both times. as a reminder those didn realize vote came across little notice there was no inkling of upcoming at time. felt need improve public safety county willing pay estimated year. after found out new much research asked meeting discuss votes taxes. suggestions him if wanted pass easier then it wise either recind or very least limit amount assessed. he responded by stating did not see assessing entire year give department room grow needed. well can tell you fact bill has src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif" alt=":angry:"> Well I guess it needed it all right away. I know that there are about 60,000 homes in paulding county and if they all pay $125 then that gives the fire department alone $7,500,000 each year right now. I am a fire fighter and I support the growth and the tax but I also know that the department has hired a grand total of 3 more firefighters. It seems to me the right way for the county to have presented the new tax proposals would have been to put all of them, including the courthouse which we were not allowed to vote on, out there at the same time with each of those estimated impact on your taxes. That way the taxpayers would have been able to see all the proposed tax increases and what each would provide and then they could vote and prioritize the new taxes they wanted. If you recall the fire tax went through by itself first then they tried to slip in the school bond vote and it got shot down. Then after much threatening and boo hooing by the school board it got passed. then the BOC came out and informed us that they were now going to implement this ages old law and build a new courthouse with yet another $65,000,000 bond that we are not allowed to vote on. OUCH!!! and I forgot to mention the greenspace bond. Golly Gee Pete!! The county surely dosen't mind spending my hard earned money! This is just a classic case of being nickel and dimed to death. Everyone has to budget their money. And with that comes prioritizing what you want need and can afford. I wish the county would figure this out. Don't get me wrong I am not against any single one of the new taxes, but I have a few issues with the way the builders, BOC, and BOE are doing things but that horse has been beat to death. Just to point out to those who don't know, the courthouse bond will not hit your taxes until next year along with the second half of the school bond and the green space, if I understand things correctly. -_- Welcome to Paulding home of the keeping up with the Jones in Cobb county at all costs, even if it bankrupts the county and everyone in it.

  6. I work for the fire dept. and one day while stationed at Hurt Rd. & Hicks Rd. We were dispatched to a car accident at the Quicktrip at Floyd. and the E-W conn. On arrival we found it was not a car wreck but a disabled vehicle with 1 tire that fell off and another barely on. Turns out that the lady had just had the tires rotateded at the Wal-mart just around the corner and they failed to put the lug nuts back on that side of the car! OOOPS!!! :lol: Needless to say I don't use Wal-mart ;)

  7. I spent years in the PD in Cobb. GA law gives right of way to those turning right hence the code section for "failure to yield while turning left" not one for right turns. That would only apply if there was a yield sign for the right turn, then it would fall under obedience to a traffic control device. All intersections where there is a red light with a green left turn arrow are supposed to have a yield sign for the oncoming right turn traffic or you would have a hard time in court assigning blame in an accident where a left turn vehicle, turning left under a green arrow, and a right turning vehicle, making a legal right turn on red after stopping, collided. other than that many people here will try to help you turn leftat intersections and just making a turn accross traffic. But you have to be aware of the people approaching from behind the kind soul letting you turn left, they have a nasty habit of going around stopped traffic if given half a chance and even if ther isn't another lane but sufficiant room to go around. To those of you who blow by someone on the right with no other lane all I have to say is failure to maintain lane and primary at fault in accident and you are left responsible in court legal and civil. :lol: Just waiting for this one to happen I can't count the times people have done this while I try to help someone in heavy traffic. ie. Northbound on 92 at Rose Dale, by the cemetary, must have had 7 -8 cars come around me while trying to help someone southbound on 92 turn left onto Rose Dale. I had to pull over to the right more to stop traffic, sorry but at that point it was personal. On the other hand why anyone would try to turn left there is beyond me.

  8. The battles between cities and counties has been going on for a long time. I have sat in on many annexation hearings at the city of Acworth as part of my job. Most times it pretty much boils down to the developers, sometimes the sellers as proxy for the developers, trying to get a higher R rating for the properties to maximize profits. This is done because the belief/fact is the city will be more willing than the county to make alterations. When Cobb set the land use plan they pretty much go with it where the cities make their own rules. I have seen on more than one occasion the county install infrastucture and then have the city come right behind them after all the money was spent and annex the area. Then all the city has to do is pay upkeep. It got so bad that B. Byrnes actually proposed the city of COBB to stop the annexations because one city can't annex from another.

  9. Surepip


    Sheath your sword there buddy. I don't really support the county governments actions and I have my fair share of questions but I do not understand the logic. I get the lets' make money part, but why would someone purposely mess things up so badley when they should logically realize that there would be no chance of reelection once the word got out. If things are as you say then I hope they made alot of money real fast because they should not be reelected. If we the citizens keep reelecting people that act that way, and I 'am not saying anyone is, then we are making our own problems.


    As for the road signs, I imagine that they law is the same as in Cobb. That means that they can put them out after 1700 hours Fri. and they must be picked up by 0700 hours Mon. Also I have seen the DOT crews picking up signs that were not taken up in time.


    Pm me when you get a chance. I have a question for you that came up in a meeting with Shearin.

  10. PRDfan


    Should Coke/Pepsi pay for dentists because the kids get cavities? I see the point of your question but I feel compelled to point out the Tobbaco and Firearms industries. Both are shelling out big bucks now because of their past actions. I personaly believe that if you smoke and get cancer it is YOUR fault and that guns don't kill people, people kill people. My feelings aside the analogy you draw here is not the best in today's society.

    I also have a sneaky suspition that even if the bond gets voted down again that the state and federal governments would not sit by while the counties school system goes down the tubes. A realestate agent stated to me that he believed the government would get involved and adjust the mil rate, cut county gvt spending, freeze permits, etc. In short whatever it takes to fix the problem. I don't think that we in the county would want this kind of control of where we live by an outside agency. Just imagine all park funds cut off, the county forced to take out bonds dictated by others at who knows what rate, no new court house for the county. (no... wait a second, that would be a good thing right?) In short we would be giving up the right to govern our county the way we see fit. There are good things involved in this scenereo but still I have trouble with the loss of control. Just imagine that you were thinking of relocating to paulding ( resident or business) Would you go to a county in this position? I think not... in short we all loose and that is why I don't understand the commissioners position in not actively pursuing the state for help in changing some state laws that would make life easier to deal with for us all. No not just impact fees. There are other ways to control growth too.

  11. Whitey, Just to start I support most of what you say / believe and I too voted no for the bond. I just want to make an obsevation here. I have worked as a 1099 sub. in the past and this is my take on what I was responsible for. My payer pays me for my job but does not take out taxes or SS benefits and all the other stuff at all but just reports to the Govt. what he paid me. At tax time I am responsible for the income however it plays out in my business. That means I pay the Feds., State, both sides of the SS (which for those that do not know means for every dollar you put in your employer matches it) and even medicare. All that right off my bottom dollar ouch! :o But that is what is fair and right. Now I really do see your point about all the gaps and lack of enforcement in the tax collection. I can only say one thing... National sales tax. I know... I'm ducking the flames already. If this was enacted it would catch all the tax holdouts. It really does not matter how you make your money or where you get it from, when you spend it you WILL pay your share of taxes. Just think all those illegal immigrants, drug dealers and yes even those in the red light district would be paying too. Here is my personal favorite though... the family in front of you at the grocery store that just can't seem to get off wellfare and food stamps but all the kids are wearing designer this and designer that while I'm wearing Walmart brand, they paid more in taxes for their clothing than I did by a longshot. :D But that is a whole new topic that can be debated in its' (Nat. Sales Tax) own thread. I truly hope that or beloved BOC :lol: can get it together with the BOE before it is really too late to fix our problems without taking it out of the taxpayer's wallet.


    Just my 2 cents worth.


    Hear I sit front and center in the one target shooting gallery. Ready... Aim... Hooollly Crap Batman! Fire

  12. Cute pics. Kudos to the poster. I do have 1 observation in ref. to img 1147. The young lady in the center...you can't stay off the phone long enough for a 1 mile parade? <_ i hope my daughter doesn follow in her footsteps she only and wants own phone. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D">

  13. Markdavd


    I have no doubt that my numbers are off. I just used the area of the Wal-mart I used to work at as a starting place and it was 110000 sq. feet. I do not believe that the Save Rite property on 92 @ 120 will even be real close. But I do believe that taking away 50% of the total area for offices and hallways and other infrastructure is a pretty good place to start. My other big guess is the 20 x 20 classroom size with 20 students in it. I really do not see 2400 students at that location but it still seems like an Idea worthy of looking into. Please refrain from flaming me for this thought though... As much as I hate imminant domain, my blood boils at the abuses, It does seem as though this is what it was enacted for. Please don't shoot the mesenger :)

  14. Turning empty grocery stores into schools? I like it! But... I gotta wonder about the space. I crunched a few numbers. This is what I got... Making an assumption about store size based on my old job at Wal-Mart. 100,000 sq. feet under roof. Take out 50,000 sq. feet for library, cafe, gym / stage and offices. 100 X 100 =10,000 not a very big gym or library so it adds up fast. That leaves 50,000 for classes. Classroom 20 X 20 = 400 gives 125 rooms. For K - 5 that is about 20 rooms per grade with 20 students each gives 2400 students. Remember these are all estimates on my part. I also do not think that most grocery stores are going to be the same size as a Wal-Mart. You then have to factor in that there is no outside play area not to mention that it is very common for a few businesses to still be in the complexes and most likely a liqour store. I'm not too sure that this would work well in a school zone. Then we have to look at the infrastructure designed for the store. Will it be adequate for 2400 students and staff? Now we can see how much it would cost to physically remodel the store into the school. I have no experience with costing for commecial structures, sorry. I still like the idea but I am just not convinced that it would be workable, but you gotta do what you gotta do for the kids. Anyone else want to weigh in on this conept or give feedback on my numbers?

  15. JohnnyJ,


    No not affiliated with the BOE, Work For another county PSD , I just believe that the BOE wants to do what's right for the kids. I never said the BOE didn't make bad decisions. I Do not believe that they are the ones that got us, Paulding, into this mess. I also am not as well versed in their, BOE, history in the county but it seems to me that they are trying to do the right thing and have done an argueably decent job IMHO.

    On the other hand it would not hurt my feelings at all to see the entire BOC recalled

  16. I am not new to PCOM, but newly registered. Anyway this seems like a good place to start this discussion. I understand both sides of the yes/no vote and truly believe it is a shame that it had to come to this just to get the BOC attention. I for one pretty much hold the BOE blameless in this fiasco. I believe that the BOE, A totaly seperate entity of the county and with no power over the BOC, is just trying to do what is best for the kids. Stealth vote or not I don't know. They have limited resources with which to work and can only do so much with them. They have made some poor spending decisions in the past but you can't fault their intentions. A new concert hall at PCHS is good for the school and students but not the best choice when there are soooo many students in trailers. The BOE is pretty much required to just stand there and deal with the crap that the BOC dishes out to them. My big beef is with the BOC. I know you can not just turn down the building requests, that is illegal. I know that for some reason in some stupid law the BOC can not impose impact fees on the builders for schools, Why? who knows... It seems to me though that they should know what the state of the school system is and what it can accommodate. So if they can't stop permits and they can't charge fees and the schools that are that overcrowded why do the continue to rezone open land for PRD. That does not make any sense. It seems that this is the only control the BOC can hold over the builders. I KNOW already...Good ole boy, yeah yeah got it already. We vote them out next session. In the mean time what do we do to stop the zoning? I have this crazy idea about government and democracy and all that but it is supposed to work for the people. Here's my idea... Given that the schools have a certain capacity range somewhere between ideal and acceptable. They will also need money to build more schools or expand the existing ones, that is a given. The BOC has already issued rezoning for somewhere around 25,000 new homes. The BOE just does not have the capacity in may areas to accept more children. We the people need to start a petition to force the BOC to pass an ordinace requiring the BOC to abide by the following guidelines:


    1. No new zoning requests fo new subdivisions (you own 100 acres and want to build a house fine, 200 - 400 homes sorry not happening)


    2. The BOC should be required to work with the BOE in planning that no new building permits are issued in any school district that is outside the established student load.


    3. The BOE agrres to revamp their request for the $125 million bond giving reasonable details as to what they wish to do with the money and how it would benefit the kids.


    4. The new bond vote is put on a regular election... oh say this november and is openly advertised in say the water bill. Most people in the county get one don't they?


    5. The BOC is required to give reasonable thought to new business ventures in the county and not just deny them in favor of residential. (Beware NIMBY syndrome. Sometimes you gotta take the bad with the good)


    6. BOC and the citizens need to prepare for the lawsuits filed by builders and land owners. Hopefully a jury of our peers would be understanding and smart enough to understand that the county is just trying to practice smart growth and not disenfranchise anyones' rights.


    7. We the people having come to this understanding with our elected goverment would, I hope, Vote in this new bond. :D

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