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Posts posted by Melody

  1. My husband was wanting to get that too. I can't figure out why you would want to teach your little baby to read. Whats the point? Its just repitition, children can learn anything, just keep reading and explaining stuff to your child and he/she will learn.

  2. I would definetly without question put him in the suggested classes. I'd also make sure he does alot of out of school activities with his own age kids if he is in school with older kids. Church, sports, music, whatever he is into and keeps him on a correct social level.

  3. My husband sometimes works during dinner time. So I want some good dinner ideas for me and my growing 2 year old. He is just turning 2. What are some healthy dinners for us? I don't even know what to cook us tonight.

  4. I have a friend in Paulding who has alot of installation experience and would like to be an installer/tech for Comcast. Any ideas on how to get an interview? It seems to be very difficult to get in the door with Comcast. He did apply online, but you know how that goes. Any advice?

  5. There is a great new product that helped me. It is made by Spectrum and is called Hot Shot Bed Bug and Flea spray. You can spray it directly on your matress and bed. Make sure it is the spray and not the fogger. After much vacuuming and washing I was still being bit, once I used this spray I haven't had any bites for a while. It is in the cleaning section at Home Depot. Its about $8 and worth it.

  6. I know, is it coming or not..I told my son I would take him to the mall..We didn't go Sunday cause ohhhh bad weather...HMMM sat all day waiting for the rain..Never came..Now he wants to go today...Once again they say bad weather..HMMMM the sun is shining right now..HMMMMMM?

    Unless its an outdoor mall just go. If it starts raining on the road and you can't drive, then pull over.


  7. If it was in your actual backyard - then you were compensated. If it crosses over your actual backyard, then you were compensated.


    I personally, really don't want to hear anyone whine about this - my parents have not only one pole ON THEIR PROPERTY - they have two - they also live across the street and have to look at the entire station.


    yes, we have to have this. Yes, to get the power from the plant to the house - these transmission lines have to go in. Yes, you will get used to it and you won't notice it fairly soon.


    No, I don't think that it's lowered the value of your house. To the new people, it's part of the house - to you - it's a big change.


    GTC (the company actually putting the lines in) have been fairly easy to work with and have been very accomadating to my parents. You just need to talk to them.


    You can't put 40-50' bushes under the lines or around the pole. They will cut anything over 15' down (had this discussion because my parents' fruit trees are under the lines).


    Sorry - hate to be hard a** about this, but I just don't have any sympathy for anyone else. My parents are the biggest landowners on due west road right now and have had the most impact of anyone. They've lost alot of trees, they have not had their house exposed to 92 - they are living across the street from a transmission station.


    But, at the end of the day, GTC would rather put this stuff on the right of way rather than use emminent domain to just take everything.


    I feel really sorry for your parents. It sucks that they destroy peoples yards and there isn't a better solution as to where to put these power poles. I also haven't heard of anyone haveing any problems with power outages....ever. And since there is no new construction allowed in PC I can't justify the need for these.

  8. I have 2 major concerns. 1) Why would anyone want to buy my house with this in their backyard. 2) Is this 100% safe for my family to be underneath? I would complain if my power went out, who wouldn't. But this crap should not be in residential areas!

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