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Posts posted by Melody

  1. My office backs up to a person's house and they have a Rooster that crows ALL DAY LONG. I can't stand it~Cock A Doodle Dooooooo. What do I do to make that thing hush up?

  2. It is very expensive, but Origins products are wonderful. It lasts me a year. I buy more every December. It is natural products. I use to get so dry that I would swell on my face and have huge red dry patches. But now my skin is smooth and not dry anymore. I use the white tea skin guardian and have a nice day face lotion.

  3. It was not a prank. I know the family and the caller involved is okay. She was calling while driving and wrecked her car. She was hospitalized for observation but doing okay. :)

    Why did she get so upset? It wasn't very loud of an impact. Was she just scared?


  4. Be careful where you stay. We stayed on the river one time and it was awful. We thought it would be a nice place and it was run down and gross. It is called River Street Inn. We do like Planters Inn.


    Be careful where you stay. We stayed on the river one time and it was awful. We thought it would be a nice place and it was run down and gross. It is called River Street Inn. We do like Planters Inn.

  5. Does it work and how do it do it?! :huh:

    How about you try it and let us know! :) Seems like a good plan for an emergency diet (emergency like about to go on a beach vacation etc) Sounds pretty unhealthy though. You may be very tired. Can you add fruit to it like blueberries or a banana to get more nutrition?


  6. Would have asked Caped Crusader, but he's not online.


    Saturday night is was dark and drippy and we went up to Merle's to meet some friends for dinner.


    Headed Northbound on Villa Rica Highway, my wife turned into what looked like the unlit southern driveway entrance but instead turned out ot be a deep mudhole just before the driveway --- not sure if the mudhole is on Merle's property or the parcel just South of Merle's.


    Car careened throug the mudhole and out the other side, loosing part of the bumper and directional signals plus we don't know what else.


    When friends arrived, it was late and we had dinner and they followed us home. We filed a claim with the insurance company the next morning. Since no oter car was invloved, we didn't call the SO. Apparently, that was our mistake. Our firiends saw the damage, so they can be witness to that, but no one saw the accident happen.


    When insurance person called this morning, said since there was no witness, she'd have to find out what to do next We're still waiting.


    How long do we continue to wait before calling back and do we call the claims rep or our insurance agent?

    Thats weird. I have ran into a few poles in my day, oops, and the insurance covered it with no questions. I would call back now, sounds like the person you talked to is new or something.

  7. Yep, some redneck. I live in Camberley Park and I hear gun shots everyday. It sometimes sounds so close I want to duck so that I will not get hit. My fear is that a stray bullet will come out of the woods and hit somebody.


    oops sorry for the triple post, my computer was moving slow, so I thought I would help it out and click on add. I added it alright.

    Yes. I am scared about it too. I am in a neighborhood, people don't be shooting your guns. What happens when you miss, where do the bullets go. I think anyone shooting guns in heavy populated areas are just stupid and taking a devasting chance. I hate it. I am off of Due West/Dallas Acworth Hwy.


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