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Posts posted by Melody

  1. That was for a shortage for one day, not due to price if I remeber correctly.


    NO one forecs you to use gas, feel free to get the 10 speed down from the rafters of the garage. :pardon: :rofl:



    Yeah my 25 miles one way to work will be great on that 10 speed. I am sure I can make it in by 8am.

  2. My 5th wedding anniversary is June 7th. I really want to plan something nice for my husband and I to do in Atlanta. Stay over-night at a hotel, but do something that day or evening. I have looked and there are no shows at the Fox that night. Does anyone have any romantic ideas?

  3. I have a huge tree in my back yard that I think needs to be taken down. It has 1 trunk, but splits off into 2 main sections. The one section that is the biggest AND is slightly leaning towards my house (bedroom in particular) I just noticed today it has a rotten spot toward the base of the trunk.


    Recommendations anyone? Not sure if this is something that I can just get a quote on or if someone would have to come out and take a look. I took pictures today, but I won't be able to upload until tomorrow.

    We are pretty tight on money right now but I think it is something that we may need to seriously have taken care of.


    Thanks, Matt



    You can call Steve Brockman. He is the owner of Old Guys Rule, LLC. They do everything and are very good and easy to talk to. He can give you an estimate. His cell is 678-984-1807.

  4. First, I think that cop is an A** for giving you a ticket. But this did happen to my husband, we were driving my fathers truck. Anyway, my dad called the city it was written for and they dropped it. They laughed that the police actually gave a ticket for it. They told my dad to remove the tint and they dropped the ticket. We did remove it by the way. It is worth a call to Cobb and let them know the situation and you will or have removed it. (it can be removed by a razor blade)

  5. I live off of Due West close to Dallas Acworth and often during the middle of the night, like 2am, there are loud noises. Like construction noises. Last night it sounded like metal on metal very loud and often. Does anyone know what that could be?

  6. When I was a kid living in Smyrna I remember my mom bringing me to some old goldmines in Dallas. This was almost 34 or 35 years ago. Does anyone know where they are and if they are accessible?


    I grew up in Smyrna too!

  7. YOu're so right!


    God has called us to be salt & light, not drunk while trying to do it!


    If old Luc I Fer were here, he'd be standing up & calling for more alcohol sales!


    They need to take all alcohol out of medicines too. Mouthwash. All that stuff does it lead people on the path to drunkenness! If they never taste the stuff, they won't ever be drunkards!



    One entry found for satire.


    Main Entry: sat·ire

    Pronunciation: 'sa-"tIr

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura, satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough -- more at SAD

    1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn

    2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

    synonym see WIT

    Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


    UGADAWGFAN, sorry for getting off of your subject. This preacher person can't be for real anymore. Just pulling our chain. Mouthwash, LOL. That is hilarious. Stinky breathe : )

  8. The difference is simple: God doesn't want people drinking at all! Not one bit!


    The only reason they drank in the Bible times was because they didn't have clean water. If they had, X would have told them to not drink at all.


    ANd before somebody says that X turned water into wine, then I say any water you can turn into wine, you go ahead & drink all you want.


    If we can get just one person in the chruch on Sunday because of the no beer on Sunday law, then it was all worth it. Eventually, we can take back the County, the Cities, the state house & finally the white house too.



    One entry found for satire.

    Main Entry: sat·ire Pronunciation: 'sa-"tIrFunction: noun

    Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura, satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough -- more at SAD1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or follysynonym see WIT Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

    There is no Sunday pouring in Paulding. Inside the City limits is governed by city ordinance.


    Are you kidding? I mean really. It is people with your unreal mindset that keep people out of church. I am against drunk driving, drinking that gets you drunk that you make bad decisions, all of that. But a beer with your steak on a Sunday in a restaurant, no harm. Gimme a break! And be very careful "forcing" your religion on people, and what they Should do. It is annoying and turns people off. And I guess I missed the chapter in the Bible where it reads God doesn't want people to drink at all. I think that maybe just what YOU and your preacher must think. Wait a minute, you are right. I am going to put down my vodka tonic right now and run to the choir. You changed me! whatever. I am totally drunk anyway.

  9. Johnny is right there . . . there is no "New Hope Community law." New Hope is governed under the same laws as the rest of Paulding County.


    And that is exactly why we need to keep Paulding dry. We have churches around here. Schools too. All within a few hundred yards where they will be selling alcohol? Puhleeeeez! It is time the good people of Paulding stood up & told all these outsiders coming in here that THIS is Paulding. These are OUR laws, OUR ways, & OUR community. If they don't like it, they can go back to where they came from.


    We are God-fearing folks around here. We believe that people should go to church on Sundays, not spend that time drinking. And if they want to drink anyway, it is only one day a week, so let 'em plan ahead. It is not that hard. I have to plan ahead when I planning dinner or anything else.


    Besides, Sunday is the only day a week that we are to rest & worship. They least they can do is respect our day . . . they have 6 other days to profane if they want.


    One entry found for satire.


    Main Entry: sat·ire

    Pronunciation: 'sa-"tIr

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura, satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough -- more at SAD

    1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn

    2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

    synonym see WIT

    Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


    What was I thinking. I didn't realize I could only rest and worship only on Sundays. Also, how in the world is it disrespectful to have a beer on a Sunday??? I think it is more disrespectful to drink on Saturday then go to church hung over. And don't say it doesn't happen. I guess those people are just "thinking ahead." By the way, I am a Christian through and through, I also don't even drink and I am a mother. But what someone else does or believes is not my business. I don't understand the school comment either, schools are closed on Sunday. It is crazy. What is the difference between drinking a beer on Saturday than drinking a beer on Sunday?

  10. I don't think we need an adult bookstore, but I hate people's reasoning being morals. It isn't right to instill your morals on the public. That is what turns people off. Don't tell me what you think is right and wrong. Just like selling alochol on Sunday, don't tell me what I am allowed to buy on what day. Just silly. And I don't go to adult bookstores or drink alochol, but it is irritating that others can mandate my adult choices due to their beliefs.

  11. My daughter's trailer at Abney is backed up against the fence right there at the construction site. I mean, I drove by there today and there was a backhoe working 30 feet from my daughter's desk! I'm sure nothing can be done, but I'm a little concerned for her safety. Not to mention, she told me she had a hard time hearing her teacher yesterday because of all the noise. I think they're building a CVS there... wouldn't it have been nice to have that land to expand Abney?



    I won't shop there. I don't even shop at the Eckerd. All we need is that Publix. All of the rest can go away. Make the land useful, not such a waste.

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