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Posts posted by Melody

  1. I give my husband space and I let him be himself. He does the same for me. If I want to go to dinner with a girlfriend, he watches the kids and I go out. Visa versa. It isn't often we aren't together, but we respect eachothers need for a time out. I don't nag him to do things I think he SHOULD do and I am happy with what he DOES do.

  2. This happened to us about a year ago. I didn't turn off the stove all of the way and the gas leaked all night with no flame. I woke up in the middle of the night and smelled it. I wasn't sure if it was real or just in my head, but I checked anyway and was terrified when I saw the stove was on with no flame. I woke up my husband and my newborn baby (at the time). We all woke up fine but I was so scared that my baby was in more danger since he was so small and maybe his body couldn't handle as much. Anyway, we were all fine but it is so scary to think....what if!!!!!!!

  3. Does this rainy and warm gross weather make anyone else lazy and blahhhhh? I just don't want to get off of my bottom and get moving. I need some inspiration big time!! Is there anything fun going on in Paulding today/tonight?

  4. What do you think about this unseasonable weather? I like it because it is easier to get the kids out and run errands without freezing them to death. I hate it because it takes some of the fun out of Christmas. I think I'd rather it be cooler.

  5. I'm not sure if there is any way that you can stop it. But the houses that we are managing (bank foreclosures), we have to pay the previous owner's sanitation balances before we can sell it. And those are ranging anywhere from $300-1000 balances! These homes are also vacant, and we can't get around it. Different situation than yours though...

    We foreclosed on it Dec 2nd. The bank owns it now. I don't even know if we are responsible. The city of atlanta is robbing us! They aren't even doing any work. I did find this...


    . Am I still charged for solid waste service if my property is a vacant lot?

    A. Yes. In this case, you are charged based on street frontage to cover street cleaning and maintenance costs. If the vacant property is zoned for residential, you are charged .94 cents per foot of paved street frontage or .67 cents per foot of unpaved street frontage.



  6. If a house is vacant in the City of Atlanta why does the homeowner still have to pay the City of Atlanta $500 a year for trash pickup? There is no contract and the city isn't even doing any work. There is NO trash to pickup. How can this be legal????? Can they arrest me? I won't pay it, I'd rather be arrested.

  7. They are good. I LOVE them. Bring some spare change to donate if you can. It goes to Relay for Life. They have Santa in the window above the garage, very cool! It is off of Dallas Acworth Hwy. About 2 miles or so so past Rodney's BBQ. Rodney's BBQ is on the right and Oliver Place is on the left. Then make your first left once you are in the subdivision and go all they way to the end, you won't miss it.

  8. You are correct......I looked at the Kennesaw schedule. I am changing my title right now!!


    Sorry about that!



    Anyone can come.........they can play in the playground. Please note this is for TOMORROW....I posted the wriong date by accident!


    Yeah. Thanks. We LOVE Tiny Tots!!


  9. THis Thursday, Dec 18th! 9:30 am-Noon!


    Bring out the kids with thier ride on toys...........we will be decorating cookies and making reindeer food!! Don't miss out!


    Sparkles in Hiram!


    Was it changed? I have it scheduled for Tuesday the 16th? I hope it didn't change again.


  10. Well just an idea, not sure if it will fit your needs. If you have a pet I know that Santa will be at Petsmart in Hiram next weekend I think, the 21st during the afternoon. I am sure they will be happy to take a photo with your baby in it too.

  11. I would put the dog permanetly outside. Very harsh, but realistic, she may have to be put to sleep. Talk to your vet and make a decision. The more you put it off is more time something really horrible could happen. If it costs $$$ to do alot of testing/training......you may get your answer.

  12. Here is a pencil drawing my daughter did for a lady that works with my wife. This is her first piece she has done for pay and I think she did an awesome job.




    That is amazing! She is very good. Can she draw human faces too?

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