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Posts posted by Melody

  1. Glad to know that you didn't get a phone call either. My child was on the bus also and didn't get home until 4:45. The school lied to me at 3:00 by saying the bus was broke down. A neighbor informed me that they were in a minor accident so I went to get my child. The children were not allowed to be released off the bus until Ga State Patrol arrived. When I called the school at 4:30 I was told that they notified all parents of the children on the bus and that I must have given them the wrong number. Wrong number? WTH? My children have been going to school there since it opened and now they have the wrong phone number?

    I sat at the bus stop for 2 hours because no one at the accident scene could assure me that my child would be dropped off at our house. The bus stop is on a major road and all I asked for was to speak with the bus driver to assure my child would get home safely. Am I wrong for being upset about this?

    On the other hand, accidents happen and I'm sure the bus driver was as scared as the kids. Please don't think I am bashing our bus driver, I'm just upset with the school.


    First of all I would of had a fit if they wouldn't let my kid off of that bus. I would have called the police about that and told them I am taking my kid. End of story. A simple drivers license can verify the address that the bus driver has. That is what I would have been really upset about. That is a really messed up situation.


  2. I hope you are able to find a ride for your husband, but just a word of caution before you go to all of the trouble. Most of the time the hospitals ask that there be someone there with the patient. IE: if something happened they need someone to talk to at the hospital. You may want to call outpatient surgery and make sure it is okay if he is there alone. My husband had a very tiny 10 minute procedue done and they wouldn't do it unless I was present.

  3. Yesterday evening about 6pm there was a collision on East Paulding closer to Dallas Hwy end. Does anyone know if all involved are okay? I was surprised there were no threads on this wreck considering how many deadly accidents have been on EP. My DH said it looked like a head on wreck?? I hope everyone is okay.

  4. I have a 1 year old so obviously he doesn't care too much. We spent $100. Bought that Elmo Live doll which is $60, then a few more cheaper toys so he has stuff to open. I am sure as the years go on the amount will get higher and higher. He already has sooo much, which is mostly all hand-me-downs from generous friends!!!!! I love hand-me-down toys. In the future I am sure I will buy consignment toys and save them all year for Christmas.

  5. At 2, especially if you are already having other financial problems, don't worry about it so much. The pressure will be on enough in later years, don't put it on yourself to do something big this year. #1 and #2 birthday we had at home w/ mostly family. Waited to start spending the big bucks until lil man was old enough to REALLY enjoy it. I figured at that age if I was going to spend a couple hundred dollars that I didn't have for his Birthday that I'd rather it be on something for him instead of a party that would last 1 hour and he wouldn't remember. :) :) JMO We (myself included) put way too much pressure on ourselves.


    2nd bday we did a barnyard theme at home. I made the invitations (as I do every year) and we had an "egg hunt" - the chicken got loose and layed eggs all over my house!!!! We had to find them all. had a pineata (sp?) with the pull ribbons instead of hiting it. Got some cute inexpensive things for the goody bags from Oriental trading. Told everyone to wear their farm clothes... it was lots of fun and we have some cute pictures to remember it.


    I agree. My son will turn 2 in the Spring we we aren't having a party (he doesn't have any "friends" and is the only kid in our family). My hubby and I will just take him to Jump for Joeys or Chuck E Cheese and just have a great time as a family in honor of him. We'll have the grandparents over for cake and gifts but that is it. Wait until they actually know what a birthday is before you spend alot of money.


  6. While it might be aggrivating now having to clean up the mess your mother made, those of us that have lost our parents know that you'll look back on this event lovingly one day. It's been 4 1/2 years since I lost my father, but I giggle now when I think of how he'd push me in the pool when we'd walk by. Cold, dirty pool in the middle of November. Me in my school clothes, hair fixed and makeup on. He'd just causually *tip* and there I'd go. I'd be so mad, I'd cry! I'd end up late for school. But now, those are memories I'll cherish. He was such a cut-up.

    Really that is a loving memory? I kinda think that is mean of him. No offense meant, it just hurts my feelings for you that you were all ready for school and he did that on purpose.

  7. I don't let my son cry himself to sleep often. Maybe 5-10 mins. of crying then I try to soothe him. What works for us is we tell him it is time for nite nite and he is ready to go. We keep a good routine and he usually rolls over and goes to sleep without a peep. I think routine is the best way. Drink a bottle, hold her, then tell her it is time for bed and lay her down. She'll cry for the first few nights, but after that she'll get better. Whatever you do don't make your routine to go get her. She'll have to learn to soothe herself, she may cry for a while the first few nights.

    My son held his bottle at about 5 months or so. We didn't prop it ever, he would just start of put his hands around it then eventually could handle the weight of the bottle. It was awesome to not to "have" to hold him for every feeding. Place her hands around the bottle and she'll eventually start holding it in a few weeks, when she is strong enough to hold it.

  8. So when we watch TBS HD at night with Comcast cable, channel 186, it is in Spanish. Does anyone know why TBS HD is in Spanish? It is so weird. Regular, non HD TBS is in English. And during the day it is in English and the commercials are English.

  9. Oh I have these great capris from Gap that are maternity. I just roll the belly part down. My hubby makes fun of me, but I don't care, they are so comfy and cute. What's funny is those are the pants I wore to the hospital to give birth!! I am 30 lbs lighter than when I gave birth but they still "fit". My baby is 18 months old.

  10. My whole family is sick, I seem to be the worst. I am in pain, coughing, and feel awful. Taking Suadafed Severe Cold, but I feel soooo bad. Any remedies out there for relief? I have no energy and cough so hard it makes me gag and I can't catch my breath.

  11. I am a member of Workout Anytime off of East Paulding. Although I have the opportunity to "workout anytime" I "workout NEVER." I need the motivation of a friend to get my butt up and go. I use to workout and loved it. I always had a partner, a person that I didn't want to let down by not going. Once I am at the gym I can do it, but it is getting there that is the hard part. If you decide to join that gym let me know and maybe we can meet a few days a week. I lost weight before I got pregnant. 30 lbs. Now I want to lose the last 10 since I have had him (oh he is a toddler now by the way, I didn't just give birth or anything). But I seem to be going the opposite way and I plan on, slash that....I WILL start my diet/exericse routine in January and lose my 10-15 before Summer. I know I CAN do it, and I WILL do it. No excuses!

  12. My sister,mom, and I all go. We just leave whenever, like 10am. We go to spend time together and have fun. We usually buy stuff too but aren't on any kind of mission so if we don't want to stand in line for a deal we don't. I am usually less excited about it, I didn't go last year because I had a 6 month old and wanted to spend my day off with him and the year before I was 12 weeks pregnant and major miserable at the mall all day. But this year I am looking forward to it alot!!

  13. My son is feeling puny and I kept him home today. He does not have a fever, but his head hurts, he is nauseated, and his neck hurts and he says that could be from wrestling practice. He has never had strep, but is is going around. When do you take them to the doc as I tend to take them too early and then have to go back?


    Fever, impossible to swallow without horrible pain, bad breath, gets worse every day. If he has it you'd know by the 3rd day because it doesn't get better wtih time.

  14. No need to preach. I know I was wrong, it was accidental. There was no traffic to judge my speed against and it was downhill. I looked at my speed and was like whoa 60 need to slow down so I did. The a minute later I was pulled over. I think it was a tag team police effort or something because it was strange the way I was pulled over. I am usually grandma when driving I don't speed intentionally. I have had 2 tickets in my life and they were both as a teen. I am not worried about the points etc....that is just a whole lotta money.

  15. I got a speeding ticket going 60 in a 45. The ticket amout is $180. Does that seem really high or is that normal speeding ticket rates these days? I haven't had a ticket since I was a teenager. Do they ever lower the amounts? Can I go to traffic school in lieu of the ticket amount?

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