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Posts posted by Melody

  1. I live in Autumn Creek off of Due West Rd and there is now a huge metal power pole as my new view from my back door. Not only is it the most horrible sight I have ever seen, I also wonder of the potential dangers it could cause my family with all of this industrial power running above my roof and also how the actual selling value of my home has gone down due to this power pole. Thanks to the city, county, state, whoever is responsible for this problem!!! I really appreciate you looking out for my family. Guess I should make a call to Erin Brockovich.

  2. I was pleasantly surprised at how much organization went into the egg hunt by the church. I thought it was well thought out... (no matter how much planning, or thinking you do some people just are not going to be nice) But even with all the people/mud it was fun for my kids!

    I thought it would have been better if they had more volunteers working the egg field. It would have been nice to have people with large poster boards with the ages and made sure everyone was in the right section. My 2 year old almost got trampled on from the wave of kids coming toward us. We had no clue where to go and it was like a maze. I did have a great time and the ponys were great. The helicopter was fun too. But next year I think more and quicker food vendors would be fantastic.

  3. :(


    I dunno the reason for your weight loss, but if maintaining a certain weight is critical to your health and you're unable to do that, I can't see why anyone would be terribly sympathetic and help you put on a few pounds to "fool" the doctors.


    Please let them do what's needed if you can't maintain your weight. Anything else you do will only be temporary. I'm sure you don't want this, but I would hope no one would help you fool those trying to help you. :(


    Just my opinion.

    She doesn't want to "fool" the doctors, she just wants to gain weight and not get down to 100 pounds. You really can't fool when it comes to weight, it says it right there on the scale at the doctor.

  4. Now that we all know, I'll keep my eyes open for this guy and if I see him around I'll call the PCSO and tell them the story. If you see him in Publix, go get the manager or something. He may have warrents or something already, lets hope, since he hasn't done anything illegal yet I don't think.

  5. Actually all of the places I have called don't charge anything to start up and will transfer my equipment to their company for free. All I have to do is pay to start the monitoring.

    Whatever you want to do. I chose to stay with Brinks because I chose to pay more to ensure my most valuable assets is protected. My home and my family. I don't want my alarm company to be a utility company (I don't have my garbage men pick up my mail) and I also don't want my distress signal calling someone's cell phone so that person can call the police. There really is alot to consider. For me, value is more important than the cheapest. You get what you pay for.


  6. The price is the biggest thing. Also after the break in our alarm continued to go off for no reason. Three out of the four times, it took 10 minutes for the police to show up. I'm not sure if it was on the police, or on Brinks. It took two different people to come out to my house to get the alarm to quit going off for no reason. Like I said, it is mainly the price that we want to get away from.

    If you are a loyal customer, call into Brinks customer care and tell them you want to see about lowering your monitoring rate or canceling and they will work with you. Otherwise, to have another company come in you will be paying alot of up front costs for new installation etc. Calling Brinks may be so much easier.


  7. They are sooooooo bad at my house too. We bought 2 cans of spray we will spray tonight. I have wood bees, yellow jackets, and hornets. They are all in our bushes and they scare me. They are also underground in my backyard. So now my almost 2 year old can't play outside because earlier he layed on top of one of the holes in the ground !!!!!!!!!!! He was inspecting it I assume. Dangerous.

  8. What do you do to keep babies from leaking through the diaper at night? He gets a clean diaper just before bed--but he's sleeping about 8 or 9 hours--which is great for a 5 month old. I thought about trying a diaper that is a size bigger at night. Any suggestions?


    Try feeding him his last liquid, a bottle/breast I assume, 1 hour earlier. That worked for me.

  9. I can't believe you are taking on such a responsibility. I would not do it. I'd tell my child when he should be home and I'd only worry about him/her. They should just go to prom and go to their own house. The stuff I did at my senior prom......well I should have just gone straight home! And I was the "good girl."

  10. I say that you spend what you have. So I make a budget of all of my bills, gas and grocery needs for the month then the rest I'll put into savings. You will realize you don't need as much as you think. Also, eat everything in your house before you go back to the grocery store.

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