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Everything posted by tmilanese

  1. Well, dots being connected on candidates and dots be connected on posters in the forum are two different things. By the way, I haven't worked for Home Depot in three years. Update your dots.
  2. Whitey, I should be able to call you a leftist democrat socialist marxist and you should be able to call me a right-wing neo-con religious fanatic without either of us having to worry about our residences, employers, or other un-related personal information being posted. Yes, I know it is available for those who want to get it, but just because it's available doesn't mean that this forum is the appropriate place to post it. Those who want to PM, email, or snail mail it to each other then fine. As an old preacher once said, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should". I apologize for po
  3. Checks and balances. That's what's needed.
  4. The proposed budget of this year is 2.3 mil less than last year. Jason is pushing for 2.8 million. That is 22% more than what the commission is proposing. If you don't think 22% more is significant than that's fine. Go with your story. By the way, where do you stand on the SPLOST?
  5. No idea what any of that means. This year's budget is 2.3mil less than last year. Jason wants it to be 2.8mil. Rumor is that he's received dozens of email responses in support of his press release. We'll see what the taxpayers think come election day. Right now, it doesn't even seem like the SPLOST is a sure thing.
  6. Only in your world is a 2.8 million dollar budget cut worth less to the taxpayer than a 2.3 million.
  7. Why don't you just make it easy for all the pedophiles. Post a google map link to my house, then another one to my work, then tell everyone how many children I have at home. Jackass.
  8. Just what we need. A whole board full of bobble-heads. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0FGTNS9GTU&feature=related
  9. No idea. But personally, I don't care where a candidate or commissioner stands on the SPLOST. The decision lies with the citizens. The commissioner is but one vote and I believe they're not even allowed to push it. At least that's what someone quoted David saying at the last PGOP. I'm much more interested in the 54-60 million in the M/O budget that the citizens do not get to vote on. But, while we're at it. How come WHITEY is so quiet on the SPLOST? Hmmmmmmm.
  10. I'm not correcting Whitey's math for him. He'll have to do it himself. You're welcome to loan him a few fingers and toes. At the end of the day, you can not say that David's proposed 2.3 million cut to the budget is great and that Jason's proposed 2.8 million cut is peanuts. Doesn't hold water. There's no reason the mill-rate can't come back down to 6.5 in this year's budget.
  11. How many of those RBMDs actually park their airplanes there today?
  12. Nothing. And Jerry has nothing to do with any of these races. Two can play Whitey's insane game of smear.
  13. Not surprising that an Obama supporter would be against returning $500k back to the taxpayers.
  14. Hahahahaha ... thanks for proving my point ... you loved Clinton, you love Obama .... and now you love Pownall, Barnett, and Graham ... keep up the good work!
  15. Because they're trying to raise this year's Departmental budgets by $700k and Jason's proposal would interfere with that.
  16. $500,000 of taxpayers money isn't much? ... hahahaha ...
  17. Whitey, you're a liberal democrat. No need to run and hide from it. It doesn't take much effort to find your praises of Obama on PCOM. Seems you supported the stimulus, the bailouts, cap and trade, Obamacare, etc, etc, etc. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/235479-candidates-finalized-for-house-dist-19-race/page__view__findpost__p__3063308 Your laundry list of "successes" by Obama is a list of what every conservative in Paulding County is against. Stop the charade, keep your nose out of the Republican primary, and start campaigning for Will Avery, Roy Barnes, and
  18. When will you be over to cut my grass?
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