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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. Yeah that is what you said when some of us said this was going to happen. I could tell you where you should put your head but I won't....
  2. I just heard the fever part. Your guess is as good as mine as to the exact amount. The fact that they gave her permission to fly with or without a fever is mind boggling.
  3. You heard it right. Now this is beginning to sound more like a plan than a mistake. What are we to do when the CDC helps spread the disease?
  4. Some folks right here on p.com donated and supported him in the past as per their own words. I am sure he did not get elected without a lot of support.
  5. Not if they give them paper gowns and tape to treat a patient. Then they piled dirty sheeting in the room up to the ceiling. Even I know that is not going to protect you. I would have refused to treat him under those conditions. Protocol really? We need new leadership at the CDC!!!!
  6. If you read some of the posts here they don't exist.
  7. Would they make the same choice today? I wonder?
  8. Yes they are nonsense! There is a reason but apparently they do not want us to know what it is.
  9. If you want it to be heard call and make an appointment with the Chairman or ask to address the Commission.
  10. Their answers have been stupid all along. I have read enough books to know that. If we knew they had to know. I just heard the President. He is still worried about the people in Liberia. He will not stop air travel. I have no faith in his ability to do what is best for Americans.
  11. Again you are painting with a broad brush. People make choices for good or ill. If the mortgage had been paid the bank would not have sent the deputies out. Lot of ifs. Only the Morrisons know the whole story and I know for a fact that all the attorneys in Paulding and Cobb did not have a hand in it nor did they get rich because of it. As a matter of fact some of them may have opened their pockets to help. I do know this kind of talk about folks who are honorable and hard working is not sitting well with me at all.
  12. Yep! I wonder if the folks who had such faith in the President and his Administration can still say that they do? I told you guys they would say "so sorry" when it got out. That is not worth anything at all. Shame on all of them!
  13. They are moving some more to Emory it seems. I don't believe anything the CDC says any longer.
  14. If I wanted to really ask some tough questions I might ask if anyone thinks a health care crisis would save Obamcare. Is that why the borders were not closed or is it to save his open border plan. I said some time back that this country's heart strings might just strangle it. It might do just that.
  15. 2nd Ebola Patient flew Frontier Airlines on Monday. Here we go. All of the folks who came in contact with Duncan should have been quarantined.
  16. They better be rethinking that.
  17. Out of likes but you are so right! I guess the President and his family have an underground shelter. He can't be too worried.....
  18. Depends on who you are talking to. There are some smart folks who stop by p.com. If we can keep emotion at bay and think with cold hard logic the truth usually makes it to the surface. At least with some.
  19. For the last few years they always have until, wait for it.....January or whenever the numbers corrections take place. Then for some strange reason it changes and it is good news. Explain that please. It is because the government plays games with the numbers.
  20. Here you go. Mostly false ....http://www.politifact.com/georgia/statements/2014/oct/14/michelle-nunn/key-context-missing-attack-perdues-job-record/?fb_action_ids=850328874986639&fb_action_types=og.shares
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