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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. I have heard good things about him. I will have to find out more.
  2. I have just gotten word that Kim most likely will withdraw. I cannot say for sure.
  3. I see that as an untapped source of revenue for Georgia even more so than horse racing.
  4. They were still propping up that house of cards called Fannie May and Freddie Mac. Amazing how that fell just before the last election.
  5. You don't think he was a party to any of that do you? Don't get me wrong, I fought that bond issue and would again. I just know a BOE's main focus has to be on providing for the kids education. I also know we lost the vote on the bond. More people in this County were for it than were against it when the votes were counted.
  6. You may find some of those answers at this link http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/ayp2009.aspx. Click on the drop down and find the AYP info. You can find the answers about AYP for individual schools there too. That info should also be on the Paulding School site. Has anyone thought that getting Federal Money may be costing us more than we are getting. Unfunded mandates that come with No Child Left Behind and some other programs are costing us big time. The reasons a school might not make AYP very often has nothing to do with the actual test scores of that school. I wonder if anyone has chec
  7. Paulding County hired Kim Curl to look after the needs of it's children. Look at it any way you want to but in my opinion he did just that. He put what he felt was in the best interest of our kids ahead of anything else.
  8. Wasn't there a BOE meeting this morning? Did that subject come up?
  9. I would be very much surprised if anyone could say otherwise if they have had any dealings with him.
  10. You make any forum you visit lively and interesting! You should make a practice of visiting more often.
  11. Lady Raider, she lost that seat to Kim Cobb in the 2008 election. Kim was sworn in January of 2009 I believe. I thought she put out the last issue of that magazine in 2008. I could be wrong about that but I don't think so.
  12. You had me wondering what I missed there for a second. I have not heard the word officially but I think she must have decided the support may not be there or maybe it is not the right time. JMO As far as I know she never made an official announcement that she was running.
  13. I agree with you Whitey. It was a very good meeting and yes, I attended. I would welcome one with that format too.
  14. I will certainly look into that Whitey. Right now I will just respectfully disagree.
  15. Good post. I would add that maybe finding a good candidate to run and supporting them, or just getting behind, and working for one that you do believe will do a good job is so very important. I know Whitey has done that. You are reaching now. They had nothing to do with that!
  16. In his defense, I have to say that the economic conditions were different then. This County was doing very well and some thought it would continue to do so. I was very much against that bond issue and fought against it. Hind sight is always 20/20 and who knows what that board would do today. I do know that this man thinks of the kids first and he will do what he thinks is best for them. BOE and House Seats have a little different main focus even though the budget management have a great deal in common.
  17. I agree with you about Sonny! I am very happy to be getting the chance to vote for a new Governor. You can bet your bottom dollar that I WON'T be voting for one that will hold hands with Obama! That would be very bad for Georgia in my opinion. I won't vote for Roy. I was truly glad to see him leave. I think folks need to be very careful who they vote for in the primaries.
  18. Don't have any details but I sure do like him. "Proud to Be an American"!
  19. I don't know if you have your facts straight about some of this but I do know that he has a Pharmacy, started Kimberly Assisted Living Home, and has had to deal with budgets as a businessman, and as a man who has served this County and it's children. I am grateful to have banks that work for the residents of Paulding County. I believe that he is on the board of directors for one. I don't see that as a problem because I don't know what I would do as a citizen of this county if I did not have a place to deposit, withdraw, save, and if I had to, borrow money. He is a businessman who has had t
  20. So do I. I have found that it is a major source for news in Paulding. I found that out during the flood. I will tell you that story some time. I have met some great folks through p.com too.
  21. Would that be something that MillCreek could help with? It was good to see both you and Pubby. I always find this type of forum very informative and I thought Nancy Hollingshed did a great job of pulling it together on such short notice.
  22. I agree. He would do a great job for the 19th district and Paulding County.
  23. I would not be so quick to blame the Republicans. You know who has been in charge of Congress for the past few years and it WAS NOT Republicans. We, as a state, are in far better shape than most states. New York and Michigan are in terrible trouble. May have something to do with their Democrat led states. We could be far worse off in this economic down turn if not for the Republicans in Georgia. They are not perfect but they are far better than those who want to move us into Socialism.
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