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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. Trying to figure out what politics has to do with this subject.
  2. Not just because of race though.....
  3. America already traveled that road. Remember separate but equal. It was not equal and would not be if tried again. News to some maybe but minorities now outnumber whites in some states. Wonder who would feel most discriminated against. It needs to stop for all and for most of the folks I know it seems to have stopped.
  4. Well, what about that! I just joined the crowd!!!!!
  5. Wasn't talking about you two alone. Been going on for days.
  6. I swear! Somebody's always stirring a pot around here!!!
  7. Could not possibly start to make up for all of the years Georgia has been a donor state.
  8. You are so wrong on so many levels. If they are illegal make them stay that way. We should not make them legal so they can legally take American jobs and get entitlements meant for Americans.
  9. Did not happen that way in other cities LPPT.
  10. Keeping folks from getting to work is shameful. They have to feed their families. If they want to demonstrate then they need to have the sense and the courtesy to stay out of the streets!
  11. Wish they would spend as much time checking out folks like the Boston bombers.
  12. Guess I may get put in the same boat if I step up to defend but I respect their right to post. If folks don't want to read their thoughts they don't have too.
  13. Just got called out by name for replying to a post. Sometimes folks say things that are just as easily left alone. I won't stop visiting over that though.
  14. I actually think that the excuses made for some folks hurts them more them helps them. They need to listen to Bill Cosby. I don't see how we can have the guy we have in the White House and hold on to the idea that Black folks are not equal today in this Country.
  15. Court of public opinion should have no influence on the guilt or innocence of a person in a legal court of law. Court of public opinion used to result in lynch mobs.
  16. Bet that settlement was reached before the verdict came down. Makes a difference I would think.
  17. Except he was a neighborhood watch official for the homeowners. He was the one who was attacked and that is what the jury found. That is why he was found not guilty Add to that the stand your ground law in Florida. He was guilty of being stupid.
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