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Status Updates posted by NumberCruncher

  1. holy crap! look at that......5 stars.

  2. I gave you 5 stars!!!!

  3. I have a present for you!!!

  4. i love it when i suddenly go 'visible'. means you're reading something juicy!!!

  5. i usually don't bump stars until the second date, at the earliest.

  6. i'll letcha know when you get it perfect.

  7. i'm counting on you to celebrate this VD with me.

  8. I'm wearing a childsize birthday hat and a bib. I am the def of sex appeal rite now

  9. Iz u laffing at moi???

  10. just discovered yet another reason why i :heart: you so!

  11. Just look inside yourself and you'll see me waving up at you, naked, wearing only a cock ring.

  12. Just tip-toeing through yer tulips.

  13. keep it up and i'm liable to develop a crush on you!

  14. making sure you're alive. you skipped me yesterday!

  15. Missing you! I hope we can get together soon!

  16. Oh Captain, my Captain.........

  17. one of these days....i'm gonna make use of that bbq pit.

  18. ooooh. a middle of the night visit..... you've piqued my interest.

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