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Status Updates posted by NumberCruncher

  1. ah, the one to be jealous of..... obviously. someone has taken your chicklets.

  2. awww, you visited me! Thanks!!!!!

  3. CRAP! that was supposed to be a footprint!

  4. crappy week is finally over. miss you. pencil me in for lunch wednesday. our usual.

  5. dear god, you show up waaaay too early in the morning!!!

  6. for the record, I love you.

  7. Ha! You're two days older than me!!!!!!!!

  8. haha! you're still older than me today!!!!!

  9. Hey there! Welcome to P.com!!!!!!

  10. Hey! I been missing you!!!!

  11. hmmm. no posts yet. ain'tcha got something to say? anything at all?

  12. hold still so's i can bedazzle you!!!!!

  13. holy crap! are you REALLY still pregnant?

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