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Everything posted by Hooray

  1. Yes, I contacted the Sheriff's office and they are going to set me up with someone.
  2. Does anyone know of someone who is in law enforcement that works off duty as a side job? I am needing somone for about 4 hours to reside over a meeting. Thank you !!!
  3. Awwwww.......I'm so glad he is doing well and has gained a "new" friend. LOL !!!!!!! His adventures always bring a smile to my face and I'm sure to yours also. He's a very lucky boy to be living the life of a cat on his terms. Please keep us up to date. Your stories are very much appreciated and always warm the heart!!!!!
  4. Haven't heard much lately, but how is your baby kitty doing?
  5. Hooray

    Dear Pubby

    Why is this not in the Political Forum and why are so many people speaking from both sides of their mouth??????
  6. I read where he is not leaving Kelley and is only doing GMA part time.....
  7. SENIOR TAX RETURN I just received an audit on my tax return for 2013 back from the IRS. It puzzles me!!! They are questioning how many dependents I claimed. I guess it was because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?" I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployed people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; half of Mexico; and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate. Oh, and 1 useless President." Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer. I KEEP ASKING MYSELF, WHO DID I MISS?
  8. Interesting......... http://www.examiner.com/article/retired-general-believes-u-s-may-know-more-than-it-s-saying-about-missing-jet
  9. Who sells this paper and where can I go to get one? Do they deliver or what? Also, how often do they come out?
  10. Windows 7 is nothing more than Vista without all the bugs. That's what it was based on
  11. Thank you!!!! I will certainly be back with you next year. I will also advertise this on our community website next year in which I'm sure you will certainly get a lot of homes in our subdivision!!!!
  12. Ya'll are cracking me up this morning !!!!!!
  13. Got ours in 4 days after filing !!!
  14. Power on here in Dallas near Silver Comet Trail.....fingers crossed !!!!
  15. Took me 5 hours to get home today. Normally takes me 15 minutes !!! 278 from the new hospital into Dallas is a standstill nightmare !!!!!! Took me 5 hours to get home today. Normally takes me 15 minutes !!! 278 from the new hospital into Dallas is a standstill nightmare !!!!!!
  16. Thanks, I'm gonna remember this !!!!
  17. Thank you so very much !!!! I just called them and they are sending a free replacement, but this is good information to know!! Thanks !!!
  18. Was it a Westell? Does it have to be a Westell for it to work with ATT?
  19. I have ATT DSL extreme 6.0 for internet service. I have a Westell Modem from ATT that is probably 8 years old now. I've been having some problems with the modem. Do I have to use an ATT Westell modem or can I purchase something other than this particular one? Thank you !!!!
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