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Everything posted by Hooray

  1. I wasn't trying to "bash" anyone....that's just how you perceived it I guess ???? I only had an observation, that was all !!!
  2. I couldn't have said it better !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. There wasn't one on it when he bought it. It's not even wired for one. He got a certified statement from the dealership that there was none when they sold it.
  4. they are handing out tickets left and right for minor things ??? Hubby got a ticket the other day because the light on his license plate wasn't working....it doesn't even have a light !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never has.... Another person got a ticket for not completely stopping at a 4 way...... Another person got a ticket for 5 miles over the speed limit.... Another person got a ticket for not completely stopping at a stop sign..... I know Cobb County is bad, but damn !!!!! I see them everyday parked on Dallas Highway when I get off of work. Traffice is at a stand still, so what are
  5. prayers Tara to you and your family.....
  6. Oh dear !!!!! Maybe I should rethink it .....
  7. Oh, Okay.. I thought you had to pay for state and federal.....
  8. Okay...well I guess I will try Turbo Tax this year....I just hope it's as easy as I'm hoping for !!!! LOL !!!!
  9. Will it file both state and federal electronically ????
  10. I've hear some horror stories about H&R Block, so I was wondering who else was good with tax returns ??? Thanks !!!
  11. I have Greystone and my bill last month was $100.00.....this month it is $118.00....only went up $18.00....I have gas heat and stove....my gas bill went from $58.00 to $103.00....I don't think that is bad....although we do have double insulation all thru our attic...our garage stays a warm 65 degrees even on a cold night !!!!!
  12. If I had to pay federal taxes last year, are they deductible this year ??????
  13. We've had the same thing with the black birds.....we've also had hundreds of chickadees ...I counted a while ago and there were 41 squirrels too !!!! Has to say something about the weather, although we do feed the birds and squirrels....bw.....don't forget to put water out for them !!!!!
  14. That the wind chill is now 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's cold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. indeed she is...just like you Lady Raider.....
  16. we've got a fine mist of flurries right now too....
  17. Thank you so very much for your help last night........
  18. A neighbor just called and said that around the Walmart is pretty bad.....he also said that there are several places that are nothing but sheets of ice, so be very careful !!!!!!
  19. I agree....I only asked a simple question and the information that was given could not be verified....didn't realize I would get some of the responses I did.....it was just a simple question !!!!
  20. Not mad !!! Just don't like information that could be wrong.......if you don't know, just say so !!!!
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