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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. I get a lot of "you look like" comments...Jacquoin Pheonix(?) is the most common


    But never before have I been told that first guy!


    I could go with that too. :lol: The first guy...no way.


    That is who he reminds me of, 'cept I have never seen RR without his shirt on.


    Me either. I guess he will have to post a picture without his shirt so we can be sure. :lol:

  2. We do not use them for actual Thanksgiving dinners, but between Thanksgiving and Christmas we always have a house full so we do order the dinners to have on hand.


    Publix and Targets dinners are very good.

    Kroger's (tried twice, sucked twice)

    Boston Market's were really awesome (none close though :( )

    Honey Baked Ham also has a really good dinner meal.


    Most of the ones we have purchased have been in the $60 - $80 +/- range for 6 -12 people.



  3. That was one wild topic that got closed. And try to get somebody fired? Didn't we go through that last month??? :mellow:



    We have three, count 'em 3 more days to go before we have the official FULL MOON.



    I just love polls, don't you? ;)



    It got pretty snarky last month, I think the most in one day was four, but I bet we can beat it this time!!!


    Whoever can guess the right amount wins something, don't know what, but I'll think of something.


    Okay, let the games begin!!!











    I still say he shoulda' had an ass whippin'!!




    I had a migraine last night and missed all the fun!









    Somebody gonna get me fired because I have an opinion? I missed that. My boss loves me. Good luck. ;) Oh, and GAE loves me, too.


    I vote for beat his azz!



    Good Grief! :wacko:


  4. Come on, fess up. Remember confession is good for the soul (and possibly the ears). :lol:


    Forgot to tell you I was sorry you were in pain (I was laughing too hard). I was just told to tell you 'Thank-you' for the evidence. Other half has always maintained housework was dangerous and should be avoided whenever possible.

    :clapping: :clapping: ^^^ Couldn't have said it better!

  5. I thought it would interesting to go to the airport opening, I looked at the flyer for it. Checked where the parking locations were. So I set out, get to Chattahooche Tech, there's signs indicating where to park. They say "Student and Event parking", I wait there for the bus, it's supposed to be every 30 minutes. I got there about 10 minutes, waited until 5-6 after. No bus, hmmmm.... so I head out to another parking location. Waiting for while.. wait.. wait.. wait.. bus doesn't show.


    It's next Friday..... :rofl:


    LGM is right.... I am getting old and possibly senile as well.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    How did you figure out it was next Friday?

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