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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. In this instance the BOE gave 3 options for the calander and put it out there for everyone, parents, teachers, employees, etc to vote on. They wanted the publics opinion. The BOE went with the option that received the most votes


    Don't give me "if we had a poll that was private" stuff. The vote for the 3 calanders were annonymous. Teachers just like everyone else had the ability to vote annonymously just like I did!


    Whoa, chill out. I was talking about a poll here. Why are you so combative in your posts? What I stated was absoultly correct. Now in this instance it might have been the best of three choices that did win, but really you do not know me and are so abrasive in saying "don't give me", ?! Didn't a BOE not vote because they might have listened to some of the objection to the really early date? (I can't exactly remember it has been a while) Either way, I was not quoting or responding to you. Please do not address me like you did.

    I try to be nice and polite to other posters on this board, and just pointed out a fact on how things are. Opinions (public) are welcome, but they (BOE) do need to do what they feel best for all.


    SOS Lady Raider and her chocolate are needed over here!

  2. The teachers and other school employees vote on the calendar,so the early start time received the most votes!


    JSYK... it doesn't exactly work like that. Say Sept 1, receives the most votes, yet the BOE decides (for whatever reason, financial..etc) that Sept 1 is not in the best interest of Paulding county, they look at what was voted on, and then they vote for what they think best.


    I would venture to guess, if we did a poll that was private, most teachers would not be showing happy with an August 1 start date. We do not get out until June 5, then post planning then back in July for pre-planning.


    I will say it is a done deal and no matter what we or anyone thinks it is happening like this. I will deal with it. Do I love it? No, but sometimes you just deal with what you are dealt.

  3. Who here believes everything they read in the AJC? These are peoples lives and reputations that are being affected. Unless you witnessed this yourself, have enough sense to let the courts handle this...


    I agree with you.


    This whole thing is very scary from what has been stated in the newspapers and by the sister. A friend lets her kids stay with a friend, and one of the kids alleges this happened. Is that all it takes to have you arrested? (I am not saying it is true or not true. I am asking is all it takes to have you arrested is one allegation) I have not read or heard of any other "evidence", witnesses, prior incidents, e-mails, correspondence, just what the mother says the child said)

  4. They have to smaller rooms off the main showroom floor and that is were I find the smaller sizes but 8 is the smallest I have found.


    I will say I am impressed that they care enough to carry larger sizes in the upscale lines, most boutiques do not.


    These ladies have awesome taste!

    Love the jewelry and bags they carry too!



    I love supporting the locally owned businesses, they seem to be more welcoming and appreciative of your patronage.


    Much more enjoyable experience!!


    I agree about supporting local business. I wear a 2 (a 4 on some days) and they do not have anything close that fits! I am glad they do carry the bigger sizes, but (hint hint) to be fair carry some small too!! :p The jewelry is nice and I just love the whole feel of the place! (Plus I love Brighton and they have it!)

  5. Atlanta Mentalist Turner to Appear on CBS Atlanta News @ 11

    <table width="50%" border=0><tr><td valign=top>Atlanta CBS affiliate <a href="http://www.cbsatlanta.com">WGCL-TV 46</a> will air a special report on Thursday night, November 19. As a tie-in with the CBS series "The Mentalist," CBS Atlanta News has scheduled an interview with <a href="http://www.turnermagic.com">Atlanta magician and mentalist Joe M. Turner</a> to discuss mentalism as an entertainment phenomenon. Turner will discuss some of the historical and psychological aspects of the art of mentalism, offering a glimpse into the unusual world of mental perception, influence, and illusion.


    Details to follow.</td>

    <td valign=top><a href="http://www.cbs.com/primetime/the_mentalist/"><img src="http://turnermagic.wordpress.com/files/2009/11/mentalist_logo1.jpg" alt="mentalist_logo" title="mentalist_logo" width="200" align="right" /></a></td>


    <td colspan=2>

    Are you following Joe on the various social networking sites? If not, please do:

    Connect: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/turnermagic" title="JMT's Facebook Fan Page">Atlanta Magician Joe M. Turner on Facebook</a> | <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/joemturner">LinkedIn</a> | <a href="http://twitter.com/turnermagic">Twitter</a>





    Very cool!

  6. I will have to check into seeing if we can set it up so people can order thru the website. That would be great.


    And wouldn't it be awesome if there were honey coming out of the pumps? haha!


    We are working on the menu now. I am sure we will change and adapt to what people want, and have specials-especially for the holidays.


    Would anyone be interested in having a casserole of the day?


    btw-I posted a few pics you can see if you go to my album.


    They look so good!!!

  7. Sounds great! Will you have any sugar free selections for those of us that are diabetics? That would be nice. Welcome to PCOM!! :)


    My question also. :D


    Sugar free at the store taste yuck! (Plus by the time you finish reading the ingredients you wouldn't eat it anyway. LOL ) I would love something good to satisfy the sweet tooth!


    Will you post a menu so we know what can be ordered for Thanksgiving?

  8. We have it in S. GA., including the schools.


    We're being proactive at our household - hand-washing galore.


    Also, we are beefing up our immune system, and have homeopathic remedies ready otherwise.




    I would be very interested to know what are you doing to help beef up your immunity and what homeopathic remedies you will use if you do get sick. I am not big on shots and "new, rushed" vaccinations, yet I do want my family and I to avoid the flu.





    Hand washing is already fanatical here! :D

  9. But the judges don't get to vote. ;) And NEVER underestimate the queasiness of the American public ... I'm sure I wasn't the only one who was a little uncomfortable considering Adam as an AMERICAN idol, despite his obvious talent. Mainstream, he ain't.

    :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


    So if you are not mainstream and ordinary you are UN-AMERICAN????????????????? So talent doesn't matter if you are not mainstream? What made you so uncomfortable?

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