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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. sold a home before. Yes! Its true!! I am actually a virgin at something......... who knew??? !!!! :lol:


    We are probably moving to North Dakota and will be selling our 3/2 home on 1+ acre soon........ what kind of advice would you give to me. I know I have to declutter/freshen up the paint/clean the heck out of the house/etc......... but what would you suggest that might help it sell?


    How exciting!!



    I wish you lots of luck on selling your house. :good: I would definitely hire someone so you can have their experience and contacts.

  2. HA HA your really funny there. If you think about it... You are suspose to hold yourself sacred till you put that band on your finger then from then on you have relations with your partner for the rest of your life.. Does that partner when he or she is getting it normally not do nice things for you? When they aren't getting it don't they turn into an ass? Come on now for sure I am not the only one that looks at things like this this way. You can keep your life blinders on all you want and you can look at things the way you want.. Just trying to make my point of view and you come in and say it is stupid... Who do you think you are the opinion police you can say whether something is a smart opinion or a stupid one... My bad I bow to your greatness. :rolleyes:


    That could be an interesting topic you could start.


    I personally do not agree. The answer to both your questions above is no, but it would make an interesting topic. :pardon:

  3. LNT does sell the Kitchen Aids and as of yesterday still had them. (I keep dropping by there to see what the prices are down to :) ) I think you might do better, price wise, at Kohls. You might just have to look. If you go to Hiram they are close to each other.


    You deserve a Kitchen Aid if you are going to be doing that much baking! You will not know how you lived without one once you get it. I have had mine for 17 years and not a problem. My mom's is still going strong and she had that when I was little. Definitely worth your investment. Hope you find one you can get today!

  4. Some feel the need to come on here to bash and say negative thing's about other people...I have noticed this is going on quite a bit.I alway's thought there was more than one side to every story.But I see sometime's when one say's something negative about another then several start saying negative stuff about it not knowing anything about it or even the truth...


    It's bad when we can't take care of thing's in our on lives without coming on here and bashing other's for what ever reason...There's been a couple of time's I have been unhappy with something but I didn't come on a public message board to try and make the other person look bad to other's that may or may not know them...To me it only make's the one doing all the negative talk look worse and very little credability...


    Just a thought.... <_<




    Glad you are posting!

  5. Her hubby was supose to have surgery today, and I was also thinking of Shannon...


    so if anyone talks to her please tell her I am thinking of her...


    LR you are such a sweetie. I do not know anything, but maybe someone that does will see this.


    NY Gal~~Hope all is well!

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