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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. im looking for wild caves in or near paulding that are good for exploring. know of any?


    i was told there is a cave off 278 in rockmart somewhere, but i couldn't get better directions than that.




    im new here also, so hi everyone.



  2. You know who makes reall good baked potatoes??? JASONS DELI!! OMG! They are HUGE!! Not sure you would want to drive all the way out there to Cumberland Mall or not...but just saying....

    :good: :good: I know. Where do they get those potaotes?

    The sandwiches there are so good too!

  3. I have very close to a photographic memory. If it is visual, it sticks with me. Pictures, words, etc. I try to never look at license plates! :lol:


    ps. that doesn't work with spelling, though.


    That a disclaimer? :p :lol:


    Really cool though that you can remember that much stuff!

  4. RR looks to me like the actor on an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine was dating a guy and they thought they were an interracial couple. She thought he was black and he thought she was hispanic.


    I'll see if I can find a picture.


    Find one?

  5. i'm planning on paying the ticket - i just want to know if i could possibly have the fine reduced or points reduced or what will happen with my insurance. this is my first ticket ever. i've been driving a long time.



  6. with four kids and limited budget Im def going to be creative for christmas. Thanks for the links. Im not too worried about 3 of our children but our 9 yr old is at a hard age plus she has got the imagination of a wealthy child. lol. She wants a four wheeler, crotch rocket, bmx gear, etc, etc, etc. Ughh :wacko:


    I just loved that! :rofl:

  7. -first, slow down and do the speed limit

    -second, no need for another ticket to be written. I am sure the PO put the footnote on the ticket re: talking on phone, for the Judge to read to increase your fine




    You have a couple of options.


    first look at the ticket and code he wrote the ticket on. Then look up that code in the Georgia Annotated Code, unless you were pulled over on a dirt rode you have a good chance. Dirt rodes are the only 35 mph zones mentioned in the State code. Then call the county DOT and find out when the last time that section of that road had a "Traffic and Engineering study" done. If that study has not been done in the last 5 years, take it to court and bring that documentation with you.


    There is a website that worked very well for me. PM me and I will give it too you.





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