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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. Anyone know who the nutjob is that lives near the intersection of Mt Tabor Church Rd. and Holland Rds that can't resist firing off six shots at 4:15 a.m.? I assume it's that same nutjob that fires off six shots at 4:15 p.m. in the afternoon or 7:30 at night or 11:00 in the morning. I should have called the sheriff's office since they would probably know exactly who I'm talking about. I listened for awhile for more shots or sounds of deputies arriving but nothing came of it. Anyone?
  2. Oahu, Hawaii, USA, preferably on the North Shore. Paradise.
  3. This light has been this way for months and I've called and complained to what I was told were the proper authorities and nothing got done. There are so many things wrong with this light. The time cycle is way too long sometimes...generally late night/early morning. It gives arrows when no cars are turning...or gives arrows to the wrong side. It doesn't give greens to both sides, as you've witnessed. It emits an evil ray that makes all who drive under it bad drivers...except for me. I was already bad. Seriously, I was told to call 511 and let them know there was a problem, but not
  4. The church building itself is supposed to be a holy place where you go to worship and interact with God. So, if you're going for that purpose, you should respect the fact that the church is supposed to be holy ground and dress appropriately, which I personally take to mean my best. The people making up the church family are not holy, but are hopeful that everyone shows up with a respectful attitude. How you dress can definitely give an impression of how much you respect that building and that day's purpose. All the stuff about not affording nicer clothes doesn't really ring true when kn
  5. I have to be fair here because I'm employed at a television station, but it's pretty hard to not slip and say something dumb as long as we keep the people on the air in emergency situations like these. I know that several times already stations have decided last minute to extend coverage another hour, and revisit every live shot you just saw the previous hour. Not to mention all the folks behind the scenes who can't even get up to go take a bathroom break for hours and hours because they are understaffed just like everyone else, yet the news can't wait at times like these. That said, when
  6. Sounds like you have excellent parents. On topic...there are many reasons for being a fan of a school you never attended or a pro team nowhere near your hometown. You could have lived in GA or Bammer or Miss. or wherever and whichever team is closest is normally your team of choice. You can't avoid all the publicity for that team in your area. It's a regional thing. I've never been to Indianapolis but I'm a Colts fan because of Peyton Manning. When he retires, I may still cheer for them because I've grown accustomed to rooting for them. Same with Green Bay. I am a big Favre fan,
  7. I drove from off E. Paulding Dr. to downtown ATL to work this morning and other than a bit of ice on EP, I had no troubles whatsoever. I could go as fast as I dared on 75S. I dared.
  8. Man, I would love to blow up that light and force them to start over. I jumped through the hoops and called to get it fixed. Did you know you have to call 511 now to do that? That was the runaround I got. Anyway, it's now not only not fixed, it's worse than before, so I guess it's all my fault for trying to do a community service. I've seen it cycle through three times and not give folks traveling toward EPHS a green light, BUT it gave left turn arrows each time even though no cars were waiting to turn left...and that was at 3:30pm. Go figure. I get creative in the mornings or ove
  9. One thing to think about when watching last night's show. The CEO told everyone, allegedly, that he was part of a documentary on new workers or something like that, so it's not like the show is done with hidden cameras. It seemed suspicious that that manager would be a jerk to that degree and allow himself to be videotaped doing that, especially knowing that higher-ups might see it. I couldn't help but think that this was another "reality" show that wasn't actually dealing with reality. The fact that the CEO didn't can him after seeing how exposed the company could be to a lawsuit seemed
  10. I'm looking for a music store that would buy a lightly used flute. Is there such a place in Paulding Co.?
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