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Raider Mom

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Everything posted by Raider Mom

  1. Sharon and Scott ~ Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. We love you H & L
  2. Oh no that is the way my daughter comes home. Trying to call her now. My gal is here safe I hope there is no one hurt badly.
  3. Yep I have been known to drive and park in the back and go into the theater and just see. ( But the Mgt frowns upon that and I explained my kids in there and they let me go on in)
  4. I agree 100% but with that said I wonder how many of the kids that hang out up there on a Friday night buy a ticket and go watch a movie. Or do they buy the ticket to prove to Mom and Dad they went to the movie and just hang outside?
  5. RIP JOn and Rianna you are missed greatly by your friends and loved ones.
  6. We knew that we just did not want to tell you. I hope the kid is ok too.
  7. Thats ok thanks for posting these. I will admit I called my teen who is on her way to a friends house to check on her.
  8. Sorry to hear you are going through this. A big hug is being sent your way.
  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys tonight.
  10. Scotty was the pride and joy of his parents. They live across the street from us. They are wonderful people who raised a sweet and caring son. He was taken from them to soon. They are proud of him. Please keep his parents in your thoughts and prayers they are having a hard time as the holidays get closer. I know their faith will get them through this hard time. This will be the first Thanksgiving, xmas ect without him.
  11. Thoughts and prayers said for Mrs. Hicks and family
  12. So sad another baby Prayers said for the family
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