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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Maybe they couldn't stop the snotty tots in time? Of course I don't know the circumstances.


    I do agree with others, a few germs are inevitable and help build immunity. I was over the top with my first, who is the first one to get all snotty and sick. My middle has always been "adventurous" and has minor allergies. My youngest was born very, very sick. He has the best immune system ever though. He is 5 1/2 and has only had a fever once in his life.


    Just tell them, "please don't touch". ;)



  2. And ride your Dyson?




    I gots me one of dem. I need a scooter fix. :D


    My Dyson is being a little sensitive right now. The filter is drying now and the floor is dirty. Dry evil filter! Oh, and my Dyson won't stand up. WTF?


    Scooters eskeer me!

  3. The day is beautiful, slightly cold - but crisp outside.


    And it's a great day to be out riding.



    Guess where I am?




    Yep. Inside. Wishing I was outside on a bike.





    Wanna come help me clean?

  4. We used to have this giant console that played the 8 tracks, records, and AM radio. It was almost as big as our dining room table. I'm not quite sure of exactly when or why my father got rid of it, but if memory serves correctly, it was sometime in the mid 90's.


    When my 18 year old son moved in with us a few weeks ago, he brought with him my late sister's vinyl collection, and her record player.

    He has an appreciation for them, not only for sentimental reasons associated with my sister, but also from his love of music.


    Are you my sister? :huh:

  5. Sorry for the rant. You may now return to the many other riveting topics.



    Yesterday, I came into possession of my father's collection of 8 track tapes. I will treasure them always, even if I can't find anything to play them on. I can just hold one and instantly remember what they sounded like when I was six years old, dancing around the living room, in something plaid.


    Probably polyester too. Did we have the same wardrobe?


    Itunes probably has just about any music you would ever want. :ninja:



    :lol: :lol:


    You're so bad!


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