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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. He is a big boy!!! CONGRATS!!! How much did he weigh?


    He weighed 5lb 10 oz at birth. Last night he was5 lbs 7.5 oz. My other kids were 3 lbs more than him. :lol:


    I can't wait until I can get my hands on him..I'm so excited that he will get to finally come home.


    He's having a great day today. If he eats well for the rest of the day and gains weight MAYBE he can come home on Tuesday. We're not counting on that though; the only thing constant about the NICU is change.


    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! He is adorable.


    Brings back many memories. That is great he is coming home so early. They usually project the discharge date close to the due date. How much did he weigh??


    He was a wee bitty 5 10; born at exactly 36 weeks.


  2. Nevermind. I have a really hard time with posting photos!




    Anyway, he was due 11-26. Evidently he didn't want to miss Halloween and was born on 10-29. He kind of got off to a slow start and has been in the NICU, but is now very close to being discharged. We expect to bring him home Monday. :D

  3. I'd like to add one more name to your prayer list for this sad event.

    Jordan Londraville. Jordan is a teacher at Roberts who spent the day talking to and working with the kids in this class. I just got an email from him letting me know how my son was handling everything. I talked to all of the counselors at Roberts this morning, and I can’t imagine how I would handle that kind of job today. If any of you were around when the Southern Airways DC9 crashed in New Hope you might remember how hard it was on all the kids. Just thought about the folks at Roberts and wanted to pass along the thought.


    I was in kindergarten that year, a boy in my class was one of the victims. Even back then the school had people in the class to talk to us.


    My son seems to be handling it ok. He seems to need to remind himself about it though; he is used to playing with both the brothers on a daily basis and it is sinking in that things are going to be very different now.



  4. Please let us know as soon as you know anything, I think we should all come together and try to help this family all we can with love, support and prayers. And not gossip and misleading statements, that is not going to heal this little 9yro, of bring their mother back.

    Thanks Pubby , ( missed you at lunch) ^_^ but LPPT said you had to work.



    I will. Still waiting to hear an update on the 9 year old. I just drove the boys to school on Wednesday morning. My son catches the bus with their kids. :sad:

  5. I need to send you all of the pictures I took at the shower. As soon as I get them re-sized, they'll be on their way. :)


    I didn't take that many, really. I was too busy!


    We had one "game" that was really fun. Well, two, actually. With the diapers I had left over from making the wreath, we did "diaper design." I went to the dollar store and bought a pack of multi-colored sharpie pens. I asked everyone there to design one or more diapers for the parents with the sharpies. IT WAS SO FUNNY what people came up with!!


    SG, if you're still here, do you remember some of the things people wrote?


    The funniest one, I thought, came from your mother-in-law. It said:




    Then, when SG was opening the presents, I wrote down things she said about the gifts. Then I asked the shower participants to imagine the things she said were things she said to the dad on the night the baby was conceived. IT WAS SO FUNNY!!


    SG, are you still red? ;) :lol:


    One of them had a skull and crossbones on it, Another one was marked to look like caution tape. The "stay back 500 ft" one was cute too!


    I know I was terribly red when you read back the things I said. The "I can't bend all the way down to the floor" still cracks me up. :lol:


  6. He usually calls me 3 times a day; when he takes a break, then at lunch, again when he's on the way home. At first we did this because he worked out of town all week and he just wanted to check in to see how things were going. Now that my due date is getting fairly close, he is driving back and forth to Chattanooga every day, but still calls me the same number of times for the same reason.


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