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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Sugarwater in a bottle. It's like baby heroin. Seriously! It's what they give immediately after circumising.


    That stuff is magic! Even just dipping a pacifier in sugar water does the trick too.

  2. It really just depends on how good the technician is drawing the blood. If they look like this :mellow: when you take the baby in, it's not going to be pretty.


    I'm not trying to make light of it at all. When my son was a baby he had more bloodwork done on him than should be allowed. Some people could hit a vein and he wouldn't make a sound. Most of the time though it wasn't pleasant at all.

  3. My kids haven't had whole milk since they were 2. When my oldest was about 8 someone gave her whole milk with her cereal and she said that she didn't know what that was on her cereal, but she wanted MILK. :lol:

  4. Just checking I did not want to be the only good girl out there. B)


    Nah, you aren't the only one. I'm too tired to get in trouble. ;)


    They return to Texas tomorrow. :(


    It was late, but they were all nice kids. My house didn't even look like we had a party last night when I got up this morning. They even washed the dishes. :wub:


    Sounds like I need to have a party and invite that group over!

  5. :wub: :wub:


    Doing wonderful!!


    I'm recovering today from my daughter's 24th b-day part last night here at my house.


    We had lots of nice people over here, but the party lasted until this morning. ::yawn::


    I have my grandbaby here though, so I'm having a good day! :D


    That's a late party for a work night.


    How much longer is the grandbaby staying?

  6. I'm in and I'm thinking it should be very easy to write the part of the Patsy Cline obsessed, gay, real estate agent. You know like the cooky next door neighbor on a sitcom.


    Just remember my Idol love somewhere in the story.


    Sweet Dreams (by PC). :p

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