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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. He will get over it. Mine still hugs and kisses me in front of everyone. I keep thinking he is going to get embarrassed about mom one day, but not yet.

    My other son stopped giving hugs and kisses in front of other kids when he was in pre-k. He said it wasn't cool to kiss mom in public, so he would give me a hug and kiss as we loaded in the car, so no one would see it and make fun of him. :lol:

    I meant Mr griffin was sick of seeing me! haha

    My freshman is a girl.

  2. My son is a FRESHMAN!!! Man. Good news is, if Mr Griffin is involved I KNOW he has my number, because I have gotten many phone calls from him conerning my son in the past. Seems he can't walk very fast because he is ALWAYS late to class.

    Mine is a freshman too. Believe me you would know by now. I will be running up there in a few to pick mine up. He glared at me when he saw me today. Ive been up there every day since last wedensday. I think he is sick of seeing me, haha

  3. Man. Now I really am worried because my son did not respond. He is probably in the middle of class though. I hope. Surely if it was something with my child they would have called. :unsure:

    Well most of the kids dont get service unless they are sitting by a window.

    My child had no idea of the situation. I got the impression the paramedics were going towards the lunch room or the gym but they came through the front door. Mr griffin was contacted when they got there so my guess is that it is a freshman

  4. Has anyone taken old photos to be restored? Anyone know of anyone good at this? I have some old photos (black and white) paper photos of my mother who has passed away. Most from when she was a child from the 30's and 40's.

  5. I have it and I love the phone bill. The issues listed above don't really bother me because we have cell phones as well. Don't really have problems with power outages.Only downside is faxing. you have to get another number for that.

  6. I looooove old houses and old places in general. We used to always hang out at these old military base things that weren't in use anymore and various old abandoned houses. this one that was a favorite hang out had old appliances in it from maybe the 50's or 60's maybe even before then. It had caught on fire in the upstairs. We found old greeting cards and old makeup....cleaned it up inside a little and just used to hang out chatting until someone called the cops and we'd have to haul butt out a window (they were all broken out by the time we started using the house).......it also had a store or shop too that was multiple stories. We built ramps and half pipes inside and would all hang out and the guys would skate. Good times....but that was back when I was about maybe 15 or so. Last I knew it all got torn down and the land purchased and built something commercial on it......


    Anyways I love taking pics and being around old houses so if you ever want any to go with you I'm always game :) And your pics are great btw!!!

    Thanks! I am always amazed at the abandoned houses in the area. I was in a resteraunt the other day and was talking to a woman who had lived here all her life. She had given me a little history of the area and the houses and it made me want to explore.

    My camera isnt much but it takes decent pictures.

  7. Thanks. I think I might take pics of the other one today while I am out and about. I'll be sure to post the outcome. I must admit this house does look better from afar. When you are actually on the property you see how bad of shape it is in.

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