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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. My daughter does not have that problem but my son does. I finally figured out what worked for him. He is a list kid. You give him a list and he can handle it a whole lot better than just "clean your room"

    I keep a list in his room basically discribing to him what cleaning your room is and he cannot come out until everything on the list is done.

  2. sorry to hijack but wow, I went to that website and it said if I went to mcdonalds and got a big mac and large fries there were more point in that meal that I am allowed to have in a day and a half. Dang!

  3. For 2 damn cookies.......................argggggg


    I'll let hubby eat them and get fat. I'm on a roll......Three pounds down! I can find some good sweets that are only a point or 2 that are just as good(at least I'll tell myself that)

  4. Good Morning All. I went to my Weight watchers meeting yesterday- I lost 3 lbs!! yippee!


    I slept in till 10 too, hubby and kids forced me to watch Saw.....Good movie but I had nightmares!

  5. I lived in Florida for 15 years. Yes it will be hot. I wouldn't think it would be anymore hot than it is here but just a little more humid. Bring some of those mist bottles for the kids. You will be fine. Have a ball and start early!

  6. Thanks everyone for the encouragement!


    I went grocery shopping and found alot of the stuff in the WW recipies. Having some problems finding fat free cheese. I'm sure I looked in the wrong place. I am doing pretty good with the water. I realized that I wasn't drinking enough. I feel alot better if I drink it. Funny huh?

    I got the WW fudge bars....OMG tooo dieeeeeee forrrrrrrr. I ate it and started moaning, haha

  7. I do have a big question.


    I am a diet coke junkie!


    how much can I have??



    My hubby was so silly last night. He asked me about the meeting and asked me if I had to get up and say..."Hi, I'm Christy and I am Chubby!"


    I told him no..... I said I was "Chunky but Funky" :lol: :lol:

  8. I was wondering about not making enough points.

    I sometimes forget meals....usually breakfast or lunch. I guess I have to be organized enough to bring stuff with me to work. I gained alot because of not being prepared and just getting fast food. (gave up fast food for lent :p)

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