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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. 1. Yourself: Busy



    2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend : Husband



    3. Your hair: Red



    4. Your Mother: passed



    5. Your Father: funny



    6. Your Favorite Item: purse



    7. Your dream last night: none



    8. Your Dream Home: acreage



    9. The Room You Are In:living



    10. Favorite colour: green



    11. Your fear: alone



    12. Where do you want to be in ten years? here



    13. Who you hung out with last night: hubby


    14. What You're Not: sane :lol:



    15. Your Best Friend: Husband



    16. One of Your Wish List Items: viking



    17. Your Gender:female



    18. The Last Thing You Did: drank



    19. What You Are Wearing: jammies



    20. Your Favorite Weather: sunny



    22. The Last Thing You Ate: chicken



    23. Your Life: great



    24. Your Mood: happy



    25. Who are you: Christy

  2. Pink Eye (I think) since Tuesday...eye swollen 1/2 shut and is getting very irritated. I've been on eye drops since Wed pm. My throat started hurting Thursday (I mean as bad as when I had my tonsils removed). I called the Dr. and he put me on oral antibiotics. Now my head and ears have pressure (off and on) like they need to pop (as if I was landing in a plane). I am just VERY uncomfortable in the head and my eye is just miserable. The Dr.s told me on Friday to give it til Monday for the oral anti's to work, so I guess I'll do that. I'm just miserable.

    I'd call the answering service if you are really that uncomfortable. I'm sorry. I am tending to a sick one too. Hubby has strep.

  3. Yeah, I found one, but they close at 6, and my husband isn't home yet. I can go to the ER, but don't want to spend that for a copay...Dr said to give it til Monday, I'll just listen to him and not the advice nurse

    What's the matter?

  4. neither do we. Its going to be hard finding a place. call bcbs number on the card and they should tell you. You may have to just pay for the visit and let the insurance reimburse you if they will. PM me and I'll tell you what things run.

  5. OH! you aren't purchasing these off of itunes? you're taking DVDs and formatting them to go on your ipod? i've only downloaded videos and movies from itunes. i haven't ventured into my own DVD collection...yet.

    No, I've been downloading from limewire

  6. when you download music the same steps apply to downloading music videos, movies or audio books. do you have any videos to download?


    I figured out that you need to change the format. So I bought Roxio DVD copy2 all it seems to do it put it on my hard drive.

  7. it works either way for me. i've never had any problems and half the time i don't have itunes up and running before i plug my ipod in.

    no you can keep other programs but itunes is what works for the ipod. have you been able to download anything on her ipod yet? just music? once you buy a video/movie/audio book. you download it the same as you would songs.

    yes songs.....


    video, movie audiobook?? what??

  8. Just hand it to any child over 10 years of age or under 20 and they can show you right away while giving you that... . You're Old! Look... ;)

    Let me be in denial :blink: :wacko: but this thing has even stumpted my 15 yr old.



    i have one but it's been easy for me to download stuff on it. i plug the iPod in and itunes automatically recognizes it and then i go from there. what are you having problems with?

    Mostly video. but do you have to keep the music on your computer or can you delete it to save space?

  9. I bought one for my daughter for Christmas. I always thought I was pretty computer literate but this thing has got me stuck. Does anyone have one that can offer some advice. I got the whole concept of loading music onto a normal mp3 player but this thing is complicated. Video? impossible. Does anyone know what they are doing??

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