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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. My wife is a WW instructor. She teaches a class at the 120 location on Saturday mornings. On cedarcrest on Tuesday night. And at her place of work on Mondays during lunch.


    If you have questions let me know I can pass them onto her. I will ask her about the number required to start a new location and/or new time.

    Which one is she? Is she the blonde that has a kid on the new hope baseball team?

  2. Hey Christy! How's the WW going? I've been doing it since Nov and I haven't been faithful to it the whole time and I've lost 25lbs. Still want to lose a bunch more though. I fell off the wagon from eating right for the past few weeks and was scared I'd gained b/c I hadn't been able to go to the meetings but I bought a scale yesterday and was 3lbs lighter than the last time I weighed in, not much, but I didn't gain. Anyway, Hope you are still losing, we should keep each other motivated, I want to be thinner before my husbands class reunion this year! :p Keep up the hard work! Let me know if you ever want to go to a meeting together, I go to the one in Austell just because a friend of mine goes there.

    Hi, thanks for asking!

    I weighed in Saturday and lost another 3 lbs. That makes 6 lbs. Just let me know if ya want to go. I go to the one just past the new walmart on 120. I got my first 5lb star, haha

  3. Does it come out of the bushes where the house is? Opposite side of the road from the horse farm. I have seen it a few times this week but I assumed it belonged to the people in that house. This is the house with shrubs that cover the front of the house. I didn't see any chain attached to him but I was a little concerned too. I live not too far from there.

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