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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. What does "white hair" mean? Really blonde? Why do barbers not want to cut it? Sorry just curious....

    aot of barbers cater to black mens hair and don't know to cut a "caucasion" person's hair, I don't know how else to put it??

    It seems everytime I take my 10 yr old to get a hair cut it turns out crappy and I spend a fortune on it. How hard is it to cut a boy's hair? I might as well do it myself for free.

  2. I dont mean to hi-jack this thread but what about boy's barbers. I have a hard time finding one that will work on white hair. I saw one on 278 sports cut or something like that but I think its silly to spend 15 bucks or more on a buzz cut. haha

  3. Where exactly is Jennifer and Co? I have looked it up in the phonebook but I can't find it. I get lost easily so I was looking for a address so I can mapquest. BTW, are they good with highlights?

  4. Clay Pigeons


    (1998) Vince Vaughn, Janeane Garofalo, joaquin Phoenix. A Montana gas station attendant is suspected of murders a serial killer and others actually committed. AC,AL,N,GV,SC


    Its an older movie, but it's great!

    Good movie, I rented that when I was on my Joaquin Phoenix kick. I rented all his movies. He is a great actor(a little cooky but a great actor) Most of his movies are a little dark and creepy. Of course I loved "Walk the line"

  5. I think you are doing a nice thing. Did he work for chick fil a? I met a real nice man there, very old in my view, that passed out samples. He knew truet cathy and they also called him mr. baseball but I have no idea why.

    Was he the guy with the cute cowprint cowboy hat?? He is so sweet!

  6. I was thinking the same thing Soapmom-pay it forward.

    I don't think that is too wierd. It is great when someone can just pick you up like that!

    I work in a place that I deal with cranky people all day(they are sick, so you can blame them), so when someone is that nice that they can pick you up like that, I say do it. Hell, buy him 2, haha. :lol: :rolleyes:

  7. As a member of the GA Aquarium I recieved this email:


    Dear Friends,


    I am saddened to announce that the Aquarium’s beloved beluga whale, Gasper, was humanely euthanized today. Over the past few weeks, Gasper’s health had deteriorated. This is believed to be the result of his weakened immune system due to years of chronic illness, prior to arriving at the Georgia Aquarium. Laboratories, veterinarians and other animal and human health specialists from across the country were engaged to assist with this complicated case. In the past couple of days, Gasper’s physical condition and medical test results declined rapidly. With Gasper’s failing health and quality of life in mind, the Georgia Aquarium’s veterinarian team made the difficult decision today to humanely euthanize the animal.


    Gasper had lived at the Georgia Aquarium since Oct. 17, 2005. Upon arrival, he was severely underweight and had visible skin lesions. He was later diagnosed with osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone. Gasper won the hearts of Aquarium visitors and the Atlanta community by blowing bubbles to the pleasure of Aquarium guests. He was dearly loved and will be missed not only by staff and volunteers, but also by the many of you who visited him.


    A beluga whale sculpture is being developed for the Georgia Aquarium entrance plaza. When visiting the Aquarium, you may sign memory books which are located on the first and second floors of the beluga exhibit. By visiting our web site, www.georgiaaquarium.org, and clicking on Gasper, you may view our Gasper photo gallery and click on links that allow you to share your memories and images with others.


    Looking toward the future, we will stay very devoted to our beluga whale program. We are very hopeful that our breeding program with the New York Aquarium will produce some offspring among our current beluga whale family, Nico, Marina, Natasha and Maris.


    Jeffery S. Swanagan

    Executive Director, Georgia Aquarium


    Statement from Bernie Marcus, Benefactor of the Georgia Aquarium: While Billi and I, as well as all of the staff, are saddened by this news, we are comforted in knowing that Gasper received the finest care available in the year he was in the Georgia Aquarium. We rescued Gasper knowing that he was seriously ill but were hopeful that we might have been able to save him. The Georgia Aquarium will continue its important 4R Program (Rehabilitation, Relocation, Rescue and Research) to provide the highest quality of life for our inhabitants. To the thousands of people who have sent letters and cards to Gasper over the last year and want to ensure that the Georgia Aquarium will continue to provide caring services, I suggest making a contribution to the Aquarium’s 4R program or becoming an annual pass member.


    So sad. I know the staff worked extremely hard to save Gasper.

    I recieved that as well

  8. HUbby just installed another harddrive to support the teenager and all her pics and music downloads haha.I have folders that are marked christy's pics or christy's music and her stuff is in there too. Then I have the son that erases everything.(he's the mother hen) says we are taking up too much space. 10 going on 30

  9. We saw it today too. Not one of Ben Stillers better movies but it was funny. Sweet story line. I lived dick van lesbian and Mickey rooney/ I remember them from the carol burnett show (my age is showing). Great movie for kids though, might teach them a little history. But like bwitchy said, dont pay full price.

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