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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. Gotta love those old houses.

    One suggestion I would make is if you are using a camera that has settings that will allow you to make adjustments is to boost the exposure compensation to bring out the shadows.

    I have some old house pics on my webpage along with a haunted church that ended up with an unexplained Grim Reaper figure over it.

    I saw it.....creepy...

    I wonder what it was.

    Great pictures in there! I loved the way you put some in black and white. I've made some of mine like that too.

  2. Every time I drive by this house I want to take a picture of it. It just looks so neat. So I did. I think I am going to play with them a little and make them black & white pictures. I just thought I'd share. I'm sure you all know this place.P2082368.jpg


  3. zippers....that reminds me, That is something I need to do. I am repairing an old couch in the basement, something that my husbands brother left when he moved out. I figured I would try and salvage it. I need to repair the zipper in a cusion. That might be a tuffie.

  4. Hope you feel better, strep isn't any fun. :(


    Your baby is probably doing better then mommy! Take care and hope your baby will be back soon. They do so much better then humans with operations. :)

    Unfortunately I had it about 5 times last year.


    I get to pick Kera up between 4-6 from Dr Lugar. She is a great vet so I shouldn't worry but its my puddy cat :wub:

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