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Everything posted by footballbeerchic

  1. hahahahhaahaaaa!!! I'll give you a daisy a day
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuoYAO_qRf0 seems like he has a few oldies on his channel
  3. I've just listened to it 10times and am crying bc I'm a sap. Miss my grandaddy!!
  4. Love love love it! Who doesn't love this one?? Reminds me of my grandaddy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgaDhMg62jI
  5. oooooh, to show the video on here.. gotcha.. sorry sadie. lol. DDD
  6. copy the URL, click the icon beside the smiley in the toolbar, paste, name it, bam.
  7. why can't you just click the smiley? That is the link...
  8. aaaand now youtube is down for maintenance... boo.
  9. I agree about the snow flakes!!! Awesome!!
  10. I saw it Saturday at 278. I thought it was EXCELLENT and can't imagine how great it would be at an IMAX.
  11. I thought it was GREAT!!!! Some parts were a little scary, even for a 9 year old, but I think it was the best 3-D I've ever watched! I'm so ready for the holidays!!
  12. I'm with you Jess, I'd be freaking out. I'm not sure if I'd send my lil, but I guess it would depend on when the staples came out. Just makes me queasy thinking about it though!
  13. someone just posted in the automotive forum a 1993 Toyota truck for sale, $3,500, runs great....
  14. because anyone who is anyone has already met you and your weinies..hehehe I think you are the sweetest person!
  15. you've seen me, but i don't think we've met...I wanna meet Animal!!
  16. Garret Gator.. I have no idea what the Lindley mascot was..
  17. I think we've known each other since like 1987 or something.. if you went to Lindley.. hahhahahahahahaaha!!
  18. beat me to it hahaha! I have a negative already, lol.. and this song sums it up for me. I don't give a damn!!
  19. mmmm Thanksgiving.. I do the Gobble Jog every year, come home and cook all of the sides since DH cooks the turkey. I can't wait to put up my crimmus stuff!
  20. d'oh. That's all I can say. I made the mistake of opening the story about the dog being set on fire. Stories like that ignite something inside of me that would like to take the person and knock their teeth out American History X style...over and over and over. :angry:
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