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Everything posted by footballbeerchic

  1. now, truth be told if I worked in a school I'd be smoking crack...in the parking lot and drinking a PBR.
  2. I love that idea! You can't make out their faces though... and you can't see that they are smoking, lol. Looks like they are squatting to pee actually, hahahahahahaa!
  3. Maybe I should have had them sign a consent form.. Oh well.
  4. um, huh? Look kid, you can throw all kinds of statistics at me all day long, quite honestly I don't care. I don't like smoke. Period.
  5. I get that you are a smoker. I get it. @Navy
  6. I took a picture of them to post, but figured they might get fired... meh. even though they are morons doesn't mean I want their children to starve or be homeless.
  7. Eric Hewling, Powder Springs Medical Center, Brownsville & 278. Both my husband and I use him. I LOVE him.
  8. http://www.beliefnet.com/Entertainment/Quizzes/BeliefOMatic.aspx According to the test I'm 100% Secular Humanist...which is spot on.
  9. The school day wasn't over either. My daughter gets out early but didn't have a ride yesterday so I picked her up. They were in the front parking lot and maybe the van hid who they were from the school but what about the clouds of smoke above their heads??? Derp.
  10. Can you? Just wondering because yesterday as I was picking my daughter up from school there were these two women squatting down behind a van in the parking lot smoking. I pointed it out when my daughter got in the car & she said they were the janitors. I know kids can't have tobacco products on school grounds...and they were obviously trying to hide behind the van.
  11. snort! I know you don't mean any harm, friend I do hope everyone is okay too.
  12. Garretts Ridge is right next to my subdivision. I don't smell anything but I heard the sirens earlier.
  13. A friend called me this morning to ask about it. She said the fire, rescue, gsp & a popo were at the first house. What do I look like, the queen of south paulding? Oh wait. Anywho, anyone know?
  14. I loved him, then hated him now I'm starting to respect him. He made bad choices, was uneducated & I think he is now on the right track and doing more for animals than a lot of animal lovers. But, that's just my opinion...
  15. I took them from Dr. Vitkins almost three years ago. I lost a bunch of weight, but after I got off them I lost my job and moped for a while...and ate. Gained most of it back :/ I'll tell you, I'm so lazy...if I had a work out that I would stick to I'd keep the weight off. Sitting my butt in front of the laptop & eating powdered doughnuts is doing NOTHING for me. Well, cept making my butt bigger. I know this..and why doesn't it motivate me??
  16. I wish I had a veggie garden! Not enough sun in the back yard, but I'm thinking about a hay bale garden. Ever heard of it? I could put it on the deck where I get lots of sun..
  17. I planted a ton of bulbs in the front (flowers, flowers and more flowers) and bought the stuff to grow herbs today. Does anyone have any thrift they would trade, for say, hosta? When I say thrift, I think phlox, I think.. but people call different things thrift.
  18. I want to spread rumors about myself. I'm rich, skinny and famous. Okay, I'll post rumors in a bit..
  19. http://www.ajc.com/news/ga-man-awarded-404-809868.html Ga. man awarded $404,000 for libelous Internet postings In just a few days, Gene Cooley lost his fiancee, his job, his future in-laws and his home. It started with the murder of Cooley's fiancee by the woman's ex-husband. While still reeling from that loss, he became a target of Internet postings from someone he barely knew. The anonymous poster went on a community website for Blairsville, where Cooley lived at the time, and accused him of being a pedophile with a criminal record and a drug addict. None of it was true.
  20. their music teacher is the most awesome teacher evah! My lil one has been singing don't stop believing & it cracks me up. Way to go chirrens!
  21. hahhaahaa! CrownApp, you know you can just see him saying it, lol. He is a mess. Nowens, that driver guy was a big, fat, ugly bully.
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