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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. You and your family will have my continued prayers. Hang in there Sadie. ..
  2. Wonder if they will offer BOGO and issue coupons...
  3. I can't wait until it is Casey Anthony's turn...
  4. Not me, never ever said that. Nor did I see anyone say they wanted "their way paid" from their tips. I also think firefighters are WAY underpaid.
  5. NG a server that performs an excellent service derserves and adequate tip. I am not sure where you got the impression that Surepip or myself expect someone to pay our kids way, atleast I know for sure that is NOT the case with me. Please don't confuse this with the political threads...
  6. That is how I understood it too and I agree...
  7. Tipped employees and commissioned employees are too seperate animals. If you related the two I guess a scenario could be someone shorting a Tupperware representative for the total bill. Just not the same thing...
  8. Me thinks they sent it off to a mechanic to be rebuilt...
  9. Of course they will rise...
  10. I am just curious. If you were a waitress and had provided good service for an $18.25 meal, would you be satisfied with a $1.25 tip? No offense but I am glad not everyone feels this is adequate...
  11. Tetley. There really is a difference...
  12. This is nothing more than a myth, if that. I would like to see your source for a legitimate statistic. If you have ever been in the restaurant business, then you would know that this is not correct...
  13. I wish I had the answer for you. The same thing happens to my daughter. She waitress and goes to college full time. If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't go out for dinners...
  14. You just made me hungry for some home cooking! A bowl of pinto beans, some cornbread and a slice of onion would be perfect right now...
  15. Don't make me hurt you:p A pot is sometimes the truth...
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